Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Divorce and Remarriage

By Gulnaz Naushad

Divorce and remarriage have been under discussion even during the Bible times. We thank God for that for we can find for ourselves today, what is God’s design for marriage relationship. However before we look at the teaching about marriage and divorce in the Bible it would be better if we first look at God’s original design for marriage.

God’s Original Design for Marriage:
Nature of marriage:  man and woman
Duration of marriage: lifelong commitment (Matt 19:6, Rom 7:2)
The number of parties in marriage: 
a)     one man, one woman
b)     Each man should have his own wife and each woman should have her own husband (1 Cor 7:2)
c)      elder must be “the husband of but one wife”(1 Tim3:2)
d)     The king shall not multiply wives for himself (Deu 17:17)

In his original design God has no divorce and remarry on the list. This is the design Jesus refer to when he was approached by Pharisees.

Jesus affirms God’s plan for human marriages. (Matt 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18)
 "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. They said to him, "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?" He said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."
a)     They were created with this design meant for being together in oneness.
b)     Divorce was permitted by Moses  (not instituted by God) because of the hardness of man’1s heart (Matt 5:31. It was to protect the woman.
c)      This however does not change the original design which applies that a couple may get divorced but should not remarry for that would be adultery. There is an exception clause which implies that there are instances where a couple may divorce however that also does not allow them to remarry.
Why remarriage is prohibited in the case of divorce? In spite of divorce, The Union is Not Broken in God’s Eyes
1) Matt 19:3-9; Mark 10:2-12
Jesus is setting a rule here and therefore make a conclusion.
Husband and wife become one (inseparable) for two reasons:
A)    Their physical union
B)     And God binding them together
Therefore Man shall not separate them. Divorce is possible but their union is unbreakable. Writing a piece of paper is possible but it will not nullify the wedlock which is instituted by God himself. Even if they get divorced and remarry both parties commit sin.

Andrew Cornes brings out that for adultery the word moicatai is used which refers to adultery which means married man or woman having sexual relationship outside their marriage. Which implies that ever after divorce their union is not broken therefore marrying another party means adultery.[1]

 Jesus Strongly Condemns Remarriage as Adultery (Matt 5:31-32, Lk 16:18)
“Everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commit adultery.”
“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

The Separated should seek Reconciliation, not Remarriage
 To the married I give this charge (not I but the Lord) the wife should not separate from her husband. But if she does she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband and the husband should not divorce his wife. (1 Cor 7:10-16)

Paul presents three rules: two for wife and one for husband
a)     Wife should not separate from her husband
b)     If she does she should remain unmarried or reconciled to him
c)      Husband should not divorce his wife.
Thus a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives. But if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage. Accordingly she will be called an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. But if her husband dies she is free from that law and if she marries another man she is not an adulterous Rom 7:2-3

Paul here reaffirms the impossibility of the breaking of union a couple has in marriage.
a)     It only breaks with the death of a partner.
b)     Otherwise if a spouse remarries while the other partner is still alive commits adultery.
The limits of reconciliation:
Once a couple is divorced they can only reconcile to each other if they remain single. If one of them marry and get divorce even from second husband they cannot get reconciled for it is even worse. Even in the case of death of this man or woman cannot reconcile with their original spouse. (Deut 24:1-4)

How should we respond to those who divorce and even remarry:
The first thing we should seek is reconciliation. If we have couples in our churches who go through rough patches and seprate or even divorce each other we as leaders and friends help them to seek couselling and reconciliation. Usually husband or wife of both carry deep wounds in their hearts which make their lives miserable. If they receive healing their relationship will be healed.

Sometimes wives find hard to reconcile with an abusive husband because they have fears and no assurance that he will change. In such instance husband needs to seek medical help. As he finds out the reasons behind his abusive behavior and deals with it the wife will more likely trust him and will agree to reconcile.
Education is very important. Teaching about marriage starts in pre marriage counseling starts. I have witnessed how we skip the commandment about husband and wife should not commit adultery when it comes to teach children. We should teach how husband and wife commits adultery. It is not just having extra marital relationship but remarriage also.

Church leadership administration deliberately declare a clear Biblical position regarding divorce and remarriage and have a strong ministry in family life. 

Is divorce and remarriage a pardonable sin? Is adultery a pardonable sin? Through Jesus’s ministry we know it is a pardonable sin with a command “go and sin no more”. In that context remarriage is a pardonable sin. But the couple has to confess and seek God’s forgiveness. Church should accept those couples who have sought forgiveness. However couple should not remarry thinking that later they will seek God’s forgiveness.

Divorce is possible but not desirable by God, since it does not match with God’s original design. Divorce does not break the union that is established between couples by God and through sexual union. As a result, when a divorced person remarries, he/she commits adultery.

A couple may get divorced but should stay single. If possible, they must aim for reconciliation.

Remarriage is only permissible in the case of death of a partner. However, remarriage to the previous spouse is prohibited even in the case of death of the second spouse.

The church has a role to play in the lives of its’ congregation by teaching and preparing couples for a lasting married life. By providing counseling and prayer support for those who go through conflicts. By extending God’s redemption to the remarriages that have accord but understand that they committed a sin by violating God’s original design and bringing disgrace to him through their relationships.

Cornes, Andrew. Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical Principles and Pastoral Practice. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.
Geisler, Norman. Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2010.
House, Wayne H., ed. Divorce and Remarriage: Four Christian views. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1990.

[1] Andrew Cornes, Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical principles and Pastoral practice, 193.


  1. Muang Guite:
    Good topic and thought.
    If "DIVORCE" is accepted/permitted then "REMARRIAGE" must be also permitted Coz both goes together. Remarriage can only happened if Divorce happens first. So, in my observation if divorce is allowed then remarriage should also be allowed. BUT with an exception for both (as you presented clearly: divorce/remariage is allowed only in the case..." other than that NO divorce/ remarriage).

    1. thanks Muang for commenting. I wish you filled in the blank that divorce/remarriage is allowed only in the...) divorce is permitted in the case of unfaithfulness but remarriage is not. If a spouse decides to divorce due to the unfaithfulness then both parties should remain single. It is not that if divorce is allowed remarriage is also allowed. Biblical reason for prohibiting remarriage is that divorce does not break the reunion established between couples. They may decide to live apart but they are not free to marry someone else. Nevertheless death of spouse will break the union and therefore remarriage is lawful.

  2. Thank you very much sister, for giving me new thoughts/teachings about divorce and remarriages. I learned that what is God's original plan for marriage. In my context, there is many problems in marriages, people still unaware about biblical marriages. I would like to share your blog with my friends with your permission.

  3. thanks bro for your comments. Sure it is for sharing.

  4. yes, marriage is a very important issues in any society but it is more important in Christian family. This is God's deign and His plan not our decision or form. As this is God's plan we must respect it and try the best to bring peace but divorce is also very common in christian society which is not biblical if their not strong reason. We Christians most often do respect our marriage.

  5. This does seem to be a possible view on the subject given certain ideal circumstances. But I am wonder how the idea of God instituting marriage, and it being sealed with the sexual union of man and woman would be applicable and understandable when it is common for people to have multiple sexual partners before two people get together with the so called "piece of paper." Which one of those unions did God intend to sanction? If it would be the one with the "piece of paper" then it would seem it is not God but the signature which determines the chosen one. However if this is not the case then how does one find out the sanctioned one. Note: This is talking beyond the configuration of the husband and wife being each others' first sexual partners.

    1. thanks Mat you have a point here. However marriage is not between two people but three. God is also one party and if he binds a covenant he does it for the life time of people. Even though wedding tradition is created by humans but it is instituted by God. God brought Eve to Adam and gave away the first bride. But thanks for giving me fuel for further work. blessings

  6. Thank you for this post, Gul. This is a very difficult and tragic issue that is tearing apart so many lives. Sadly, the divorce rate within the church is about the same as outside the church. There are differing views within the Christian community. You have done an excellent job in researching and presenting your findings. Thank you for giving me good food for thought, prayer, and research.

  7. marriage is very sensitive portion of our life and ministry. marriage is started by God Himself. to be more effective in ministry, marriage should be the strong part of any leader in the church, i personally don't allow divorce because bible also do not allow. as a christian we couldn't manage to stay with our wife than how we can manage church people. it shouldn't be allow in any church which will brings bad impact to this world.

  8. Marriage is sacred between one man and one woman, it is God's design that marriage is only between one man and one woman till death separate them. In a marriage covenant they also say "till death do us part". But in many cases today as you've brought it out here we see that many people in the church are struggling with their marriages, may be because they have several issues which we have not discussed here, I believe that whatever may be the reasons or issues they have one must understand God's original design of marriage. As Christians we need to respond to this in our area of influence such as in our homes and churches, teaching begins by modeling by parents and then to children. If any member in the church experience divorce and seek help, I would consider to help them understand, Biblical perspective of marriage. Although, we see that divorce is permissible, it does not guarantee that we could divorce and remarry. We are responsible to teach God's design of marriage. May God bless everyone to understand it.

  9. Ate, I think marriage and divorce are opposite to one another but they go very parallel and chasing one another. Marriage seems to be very common now in all societies though it is not welcomed to the societies.

  10. I thank you for your document that help me to understand this issue better, I have interested in this issue but I do not to find information yet and I got in your document. I agree as you wrote.
    God’s Original Design for Marriage:
    Nature of marriage: man and woman
    Duration of marriage: lifelong commitment (Matt 19:6, Rom 7:2)
    The number of parties in marriage:
    a) one man, one woman
    b) Each man should have his own wife and each woman should have her own husband (1 Cor 7:2)
    c) elder must be “the husband of but one wife”(1 Tim3:2)
    d) The king shall not multiply wives for himself (Deu 17:17)
    Thank you. May God bless you as you study His Book.

  11. We all know that God design marriage from the garden of Eden he created male and female, however, it is very common nowadays divorce, which we can not deny it. So I think church or Christian community must educate about what marriage is and what did Pauli means to say about divorce. We also cannot condemn any of this party rather take initiative in helping them reconcile as much as we can.

  12. the Bible is saying that no remarry, divorced is alllowed in a reasonable situations but not to marry another person.

  13. Thank you so much for this post. I think this is very helpful in being reminded about God's design for marriage. The issue of divorce nowadays has veered away from the Scriptures. It is good to be reminded about what the Bible says about it.

  14. Today, many opt to divorce their partner due to some conflict or misunderstanding. It is a sad thing to know some married couples can just file a divorce paper whenever they seem that their relationship is not anymore working. Well, this is not what God designed for marriage. Yes, married couples can't escape from conflict and misunderstanding at home. These things are spices or ingredients in marriage life so that the couple's relationship will be strengthened. The couple must face it without thinking divorce as the option.

  15. Thank you Gul for sharing this blog with me, this is really informative and you have used good support from bible. unfortunately we specifically Pakistani christian are much influenced by Muslim culture and even Christians are practicing marriage re-marriage,and divorce in our marriage lives. your blog on this topic again a reminder for us that we have to educate our people about word of God for marriage and divorce.God bless you.

  16. I totally disagree with Divorce and remarriage because for me both goes together. As a christian perspective a man should only have a one wife but by doing divorce and re-marriage he is setting his heart toward another women too. It creates the lack of commitment and trust. So, for me I a\disagree with divorce and re-marriage. God Bless.

  17. Most people making a short cut because there is a word "divorce", so in order to let people to understand the biblical marriage we should teach and emphasize to possitive outcome and the negative outcome according to His word.

  18. thanks for the information

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