Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Civil disobedience

By Siddikur Rahman

Civil disobedience is refusal to obey the law of government, family, institute or follow the policy believed to be unjust. Civil disobedience is the action against the government where people protest or complain the law or government policy systems. (

Civil disobedience can be a powerful tool for challenging unjust laws. It can be, and sometimes has been, the moral obligation of citizens committed to justice for all. (
Bangladesh is Islamic country. So there are so many Islamic groups. In Bangladesh, there are always conflict in between Bangladesh government and Islamic groups. Government always wants to implement and dominate country by secular law which is acceptable internationally While, Islamic groups want to dominate the country by the Quranic law which is written in their holy scripture Quran. That is why, there are noticeable fight, killing, strike, walkout in the parliament, bomb bursting, bleeding that are having on the street, and in the market. Islamic group disobey government law and make the listed occurrences. Three or four months ago, the conflict is created between government and Islamic group and Islamic groups were out of control from government. So the government is compelled to shot in the Islamic group because of control. During that time, so many people are died in Bangladesh.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for an end to the anti-government violence that has racked the capital for the past two days, as riot police lined the streets of Dhaka today. Reports indicated that more than 30 people were killed and hundreds more injured as markets, banks, and vehicles were set ablaze after two days of clashes between hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters and police. The government today shut down two private television channels, one tied to the opposition party and the other to its principal ally, Jamaat-e-Islami, both supporters of the Islamic group believed responsible for instigating the clashes.”
On the other hand, Christian religion and Bible says that whatever government makes the law is God’s law. All authority and power comes from God. Every one should obey government law so that peace remains among the people. God make them to rule the people. God appoint the king or ruler in this earth. Those who rebel against the ruler or king the earth, rebel the Lord. Those who disobey the law of ruler, disobey the Lord. That is why, all over the world, all Christians submit to the governing authorities. The government is God’s servant (Rom. Chapter 13)
Lastly, Christians are commanded to pray for their leaders and for God to intervene in His time to change any ungodly path that they are pursuing: “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (NASB1 Timothy 2:1–2).







Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Poverty in Bangladesh
By Siddikur Rahman

Poverty means not having sufficient money to meet basic needs as well as food, clothing, shelter, medicine, education. Poverty meaning is hunger, lack of shelter, being sick but not having able to go to doctor, not able to go to run schooling expenses. Poverty is the lack of money, Poverty is no having able to join in recreational activities, not being able to send children school, not having able to buy medicine for illness. (

Bangladesh is a small and so poor country. Bangladesh is over population country with 160 million of total population. At least 45 million people in Bangladesh are living under poverty. It is almost one third of the total population. A significant proportion of them are living in extreme poverty. (http:/

Bangladeshi people are so poor because of the lack of instrument or resources, flood, calamity, disaster, droughts, overpopulation. While Bangladesh is so poor due to so much corruption, selfishness, illiteracy, idleness and lack of trust among people. Now a day, the poor people are deprived from their right and cheated by the rich people and political leaders. They are discriminated in the society and neglected and are unworthy.

Our God is defender of the fatherless and widows (Deut 10:18, Ps. 10:16-18; 40:17; 68:5). The Bible says that the Lord is protector of the poor (Ps 12:5), refuge of the poor (Ps 14:6), Savior of the poor (Ps 34:6). For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich (2Cor 8:9).

I see in the Bible, God is always being with the poor. Those who are poor, helpless, widows, and orphans do not have to worry of their situation because of the Almighty God is helper for poor people.

Bangladesh is poor country, it is true but the assurance is that our God is always with them. Bangladeshi has found His favor. Our God will protect our country and save the poor people. Our savior Jesus Christ came to the earth for the poor people so that they become rich (2 Cor. 8:9).

Friday, April 11, 2014

Divorce and Remarriage

Divorce and Remarriage
By Siddikur Raham

I would like to discuss about Muslim divorce and remarriage. I have experiences about Muslim divorce and remarriage as I was born in Muslim family and grew up also in Muslim family.

According to Islamic law a Muslim man can divorce his wife by saying three times “Talak.” The meaning of ‘Talak’ is ‘freedom’. The right of giving freedom by her husband from marriage bondage to wife is called ‘talak.’ According to Heyadaya[4] it means relinquishment, the right of enforceable by the husband only.  “In law, it signifies the absolute power which the husband possesses.” (

Muslim has the law to divorce and to get marriage and it is regulated by the government (ordinance of Bangladesh 1961).The law of divorce in Bangladesh is based on Islamic Sharia. The Muslim family laws ordinance of Bangladesh, husband may seek divorce by pronouncing talaq. Husband send the notice to the Chairman of the Union or he can send to other appointed official and one copy to his wife And then the chairman try to arbitrate the conflict between husband and wife. The chairman will call his assistance and both party of husband-wife and he try to convince both but he fail to resolve the marital dispute and then the divorce becomes effective. But if wife is pregnant at the time of Talaq, this Talaq will not be effective. After give birth to a child, this Talaq will be effective.

According to Muslim Saria or law a man without any reason can divorce his wife. This is the Law of Muslim. If husband pronounce Talaq three times by his mouth and say to his wife then it will be accepted as talaq, meaning divorced. Wife also has right to give divorce to her husband based on their law.

For remarriage to the divorced wife, in Islamic law there is a condition called “Hillah marriage.” According to this law divorced wife may remarried with her first husband but condition is she must get married with another man before return to her first husband. If the second husband divorce then first husband can re-marriage his wife. (Quran 2:230). (

According to Christian religion, Marriage is God’s divine plan and covenant which is never breakable because it is God’s plan. Marriage his holy covenant that symbolizes the relationship between Christ and his Bride, or the Body of Christ. Only death can separate husband and wife. Otherwise, it is impossible to separate. Husband and wife are not two but they are one flesh. Husband can leave his all relative for his wife and live together. (Gen. 2). Without sexual immorality, they cannot divorce each other. If they divorce each other without sexual immorality, it is sinful (Mat. 19:9). But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery (Mat. 5:32)
According to my understanding, divorce and remarriage are not acceptable in Christian religion but it can be marital unfaithfulness. After death, he or she can remarriage again. But it is better not to marriage again. If he or she cannot control sexual life then they can marriage.


By Siddikur Rahman

Both men and women who engage each other in sexual action against money, is called prostitution. Those who abuse their intelligence or offer their self-dignity, honor, respect for the sake of money or economic profit, it is called prostitution in our context of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is Islamic country. Islam religion never allows prostitution but the constitution of Bangladesh allows the prostitution. That is why, all provinces has prostitution. It is very old business in Bangladesh. In my view, usually woman does not want to be the worker of prostitution. The reason why they are obligated to involve with this business is because poverty, many of them were born into it, some women are kidnapped, some of them forced into it, some family pressure to do it, and some of them misdirected them to do this business.

In our country, prostitution is not morally right. Even though our people agree to do those make them glad. It is decreasing the dignity of woman and man but they are so eager to take decision to do prostitution. It is immorality that women sell themselves to men just for money. Prostitution is big problem for society and morally wrong

Bangladesh is not free sex country. That is why, so many teenager go to the prostitution secretly. For this prostitution, they are involved with evil deeds in the society. Evil deeds mean is to steal, robbing, and corruption. By doing evil deeds, they earn money and then they expend this money in the prostitution. For this reason, corruption, stealing, and robbing are increasing in the society. The family that has teenager always thinks lots of for their teenager children.

 I do not know how long years ago prostitution began in our country. Now a day, prostitution is a dangerous and it is the risk to our society. Those who go to the prostitution are uneducated and do not know about its serious outcome. This kind of sex exchange transmitted much disease, cruelty, violent behavior, and many crimes take place with the average harlots exchange.

Prostitution is a very old business to earn money for women who can produce money, even it was in the Bible times. Bible always tells us that prostitution is illegal and immoral. Proverbs 23:27-28; 5:3-5 says that the Lord prevents and forbids prostitution. God knows that this kind of prostitution is very harmful. It harms the family; life and it also harm the body and even also spirit, soul. This prostitute leads us physically and spiritually death. Our God wants us to remain pure and our body will be tools for His glory. (1Cor 6:13; Rom 6:13)

Though it is sinful, God forgives it. Our God is great in love and forgiveness. It is mentioned in the Bible about His forgiveness. Like for example, Rahab was harlot who  helped the godly man to stay in her house and this Rahab protected their life from against party. That is why, she got reward and was so blessed by God. (Joshua 2:1; 6:17-25).

In the New Testament, Samaritan woman who had many husband, was forgiven by Jesus his sin (John 4), another harlot woman who poured out expensive perfume at Jesus’ feet and she was crying and repent and regret for his sin before Jesus and then Jesus forgave her and cleaned her. Finally, she received Jesus Christ and got salvation forever. (Luke 7:36-50)
Jesus declared that tax collectors and prostitute will enter the Kingdom of God ahead of you (Matt 21:31-32)

So it is clear that prostitute has privilege to receive salvation and to get eternal life from the Lord, the prostitute will be cleansed from his all sin and be given him the new life that is eternal life Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17).