Friday, June 28, 2013

Capital Punishment

by Abbas

Homosexuality: A taboo turning into a largely celebrated phenomenon?

by Zhelle Capindo

A Celebrated Controversy

In an interview with Boy Abunda of “The Buzz” last June 2, Philippine pop star Charice Pempengco boldly announced that she is a lesbian and had same-sex relationships in the past. This revelation about her sexual orientation received praise not only in the country’s showbiz arena but even internationally. Famous singers and actresses, here and abroad, publicly expressed their appreciation for Charice’s courage to expose her true sexual preference.

Below are few tweets for Charice quoted in AFP News the day after her controversial revelation:1

"Dear @OfficialCharice have you any idea how many young people you inspired today? More power, blessings and love to you!," tweeted Tony award-winning actress and singer Leah Salonga (@MsLeaSalonga), a fellow Filipina international star.

"So Charice is out of the closet. Did that take her talent away? Did it change her voice? NO. Same talented person, just happier," added local celebrity Bubbles Paraiso (@bubblesparaiso) on the social media website.

"So proud of you!" tweeted American celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. "You are opening doors and hearts and minds with your bravery and honesty! Leading by example! BIG HUG!"

As you can see, what was used to be a highly hot-button issue to admit and accept a decade ago is now a largely celebrated phenomenon not only in non-Christian countries but also in a country known to be the only Christian country in Asia - the Philippines.

I remember I had a male cousin before who struggled to keep to himself that he was gay for fear that his father and brothers might beat him to death if he reveals his sexual preference. Being a gay or lesbian back then was considered a disgrace to the family, but now those who publicly claim that they are gay (which from this point will refer to both male and female homosexuals) are some of the most celebrated personalities not only here in Philippines but even worldwide. They are hailed as inspiration to many despite their seemingly ironic lifestyle - professing devoted Christians but are having same-sex relationships known to the public.

What happened? What caused such a great change of mind? Did the world become more understanding of them who prefers a different sexual orientation other than what God designed them to be or have we crossed the thin line between love and toleration? How should we really view homosexuality? Is it a sin in itself or it is the homosexual acts that make it a sin?

These and a lot more are just few of the questions that maybe many people also ask but could not find enough resolution so they settle for what is comfortable or what the world dictates. Well, I am not here to give you the solutions to these questions nor tell you to condemn those who claim they are gay because I myself am in the process of trying to understand how to react and respond to this issue in such a way that will neither condemn them nor tolerate something that may not be righteous in the sight of God, our Creator. So as we go along this topic, let us altogether discover what homosexuality is all about, what the Bible say about this issue, and discuss what our respond should be if ever this issue will arise in our family, church, or ministry.

Homosexuality Defined

WordWed (a free software and database) simply defines homosexuality as a “sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex” while the Catechism of the Catholic Church broadly defined it and its nature as:

Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.2

What the Bible Say about Homosexuality

Nowhere in the Bible can we see explanations of what causes a person to be homosexual or whether homosexuality in itself is a sin or not but we surely can look at verses which state that homosexual acts are detestable before the eyes of God. Leviticus 18:22 says, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Such act was considered exceptionally displeasing that whoever commits such detestable act shall surely be put to death (Lev. 20:13).

But you’ll say, “That was during the Old Testament times. Is it still applicable to us today? Isn't it too inhumane to kill someone for having sexual relations with the same sex?”   

Well, let’s see what the New Testament has to say about this.

Paul, in his letters to the Romans, clearly said that men who burned in their desire for one another are men who commit indecent acts, and this is true with women as well (Rom 1:27). Further, he stated in the following verses that these men and women who disregard God and His ordinance knew that whoever practices such things (i.e., committing indecent acts with the same sex, greed, evil, murder, etc.) are worthy of death but still they do not only do the same, “but also give hearty approval to those who practice them” (Rom. 1: 32).

Hmmm! doesn’t that sound familiar? Are we not quick today to celebrate practices which actually are contrary to sound teaching (see 1Timothy 1:8-11) because we say we love them and we want to accept them for who they are? Please don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that we should not love and understand those who are facing gender identity crisis. We are commanded to love others and be considerate of them. Jesus Himself dine and spent time with “tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 9:10-13). He did not even condemn the adulterous woman brought to Him by the scribes and Pharisees who suggested that the woman should be stoned to death as the Law of Moses commands (John 8:1-5). But take note of what Jesus said to the woman; “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more” (John 8:11, emphasis added).

So what?

By the example set to us by Jesus, we truly have no right to condemn those who are into sin but that doesn't mean we are to tolerate practices that are contrary to sound doctrine. There is always room for love and acceptance but as Christians and followers of Christ, we are called to live a life in accordance to God’s standard of what is right and wrong. Where can we find that? It’s probably just there lying in your desk or stack neatly together with your other books waiting for you to read it.

“Read your Bibles, pray everyday and you’ll grow, grow, grow;” says a classic children song. It is true that there are some issues that are not given clear or broad explanation in the Bible but as we read our Bibles and know more of how Jesus spent His life here on earth, we can somehow know how to react and respond to issues in life that are difficult to grasp. We grow in our understanding of how to live our life here on earth as we daily seek to obey God’s commands in how He wants us to conduct our ways - righteous and pleasing before His sight.

It’s your turn

As I have mentioned above, I am still in the process of understanding how to properly respond to this issue on homosexuality if ever this confronts me in the future, say in ministry. So your thoughts will be helpful. You may wish to comment on anything I have said above or answer any of the questions below.

1. How can Christians of today effectively reach out to homosexuals with the goal of winning them to Christ given the fact that the world’s acceptance, or should I say toleration, of homosexuality is gaining vast social and legal approval all throughout the globe (e. g. same sex marriage, etc.)? 

2. As a Christian, how will you react to a friend’s confession that he/she is gay in such a way that will neither condemn him/her nor tolerate his/her sexual preference which is obviously opposite to God’s original design for him/her?

3. If you are a church worker or pastor, what action will you take upon knowing that one of the most active youth leaders in your church confessed that he/she is gay and is engaged in a same-sex relationship?

        1From “Philippine pop star Charice says she's a lesbian,” http://ph., accessed June 26, 2013.

        2From “What EXACTLY does the Catholic Church say about homosexuality?”, accessed June 26, 2013.