by Zhelle Capindo
A Celebrated Controversy

Below are few tweets for Charice quoted in AFP News the day
after her controversial revelation:1
"Dear @OfficialCharice have you any idea how many young
people you inspired today? More power, blessings and love to you!,"
tweeted Tony award-winning actress and singer Leah Salonga (@MsLeaSalonga), a
fellow Filipina international star.
"So Charice is out of the closet. Did that take her
talent away? Did it change her voice? NO. Same talented person, just
happier," added local celebrity Bubbles Paraiso (@bubblesparaiso) on the
social media website.
"So proud of you!" tweeted American celebrity
blogger Perez Hilton. "You are opening doors and hearts and minds with
your bravery and honesty! Leading by example! BIG HUG!"
As you can see, what was used to be a highly hot-button
issue to admit and accept a decade ago is now a largely celebrated phenomenon
not only in non-Christian countries but also in a country known to be the only
Christian country in Asia - the Philippines .
I remember I had a male cousin before who struggled to keep
to himself that he was gay for fear that his father and brothers might beat him
to death if he reveals his sexual preference. Being a gay or lesbian back then
was considered a disgrace to the family, but now those who publicly claim that
they are gay (which from this point will refer to both male and female
homosexuals) are some of the most celebrated personalities not only here in
Philippines but even worldwide. They are hailed as inspiration to many despite their
seemingly ironic lifestyle - professing devoted Christians but are having same-sex relationships known to the public.
What happened? What caused such a great change of mind? Did
the world become more understanding of them who prefers a different sexual
orientation other than what God designed them to be or have we crossed the thin
line between love and toleration? How should we really view homosexuality? Is
it a sin in itself or it is the homosexual acts that make it a sin?
These and a lot more are just few of the questions that
maybe many people also ask but could not find enough resolution so they settle
for what is comfortable or what the world dictates. Well, I am not here to give
you the solutions to these questions nor tell you to condemn those who claim
they are gay because I myself am in the process of trying to understand how to
react and respond to this issue in such a way that will neither condemn them
nor tolerate something that may not be righteous in the sight of God, our
Creator. So as we go along this topic, let us altogether discover what
homosexuality is all about, what the Bible say about this issue, and discuss
what our respond should be if ever this issue will arise in our family, church,
or ministry.
Homosexuality Defined
WordWed (a free software and database) simply defines
homosexuality as a “sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with)
persons of the same sex” while the Catechism of the Catholic Church broadly
defined it and its nature as:
Homosexuality refers to relations between men or
between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction
toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through
the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains
largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual
acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically
disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life.
They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be
What the Bible Say
about Homosexuality
Nowhere in the Bible can we see explanations of what causes a person to be homosexual or whether homosexuality in
itself is a sin or not but we surely can look at verses which state that homosexual
acts are detestable before the eyes of God. Leviticus 18:22 says, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies
with a female; it is an abomination.” Such act was considered exceptionally
displeasing that whoever commits such detestable act shall surely be put to
death (Lev. 20:13 ).
But you’ll say, “That was during the Old Testament times. Is
it still applicable to us today? Isn't it too inhumane to kill someone for
having sexual relations with the same sex?”
Well, let’s see what the New Testament has to say about
Paul, in his letters to the Romans, clearly said that men
who burned in their desire for one another are men who commit indecent acts,
and this is true with women as well (Rom 1:27). Further, he stated in the following verses that these men and women who disregard God and His ordinance knew that
whoever practices such things (i.e., committing indecent acts with the same
sex, greed, evil, murder, etc.) are worthy of death but still they do not only
do the same, “but also give hearty approval to those who practice them” (Rom. 1: 32 ).
Hmmm! doesn’t that sound familiar? Are we not quick today to
celebrate practices which actually are contrary to sound teaching (see 1Timothy
1:8-11) because we say we love them and we want to accept them for who they are?
Please don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that we should not love and understand
those who are facing gender identity crisis. We are commanded to love others
and be considerate of them. Jesus Himself dine and spent time with “tax
collectors and sinners” (Matt. 9:10 -13).
He did not even condemn the adulterous woman brought to Him by the scribes and
Pharisees who suggested that the woman should be stoned to death as the Law of
Moses commands (John 8:1-5). But take note of what Jesus said to the woman; “I
do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more” (John 8:11 ,
emphasis added).
So what?
By the example set to us by Jesus, we truly have no right to
condemn those who are into sin but that doesn't mean we are to tolerate
practices that are contrary to sound doctrine. There is always room for love
and acceptance but as Christians and followers of Christ, we are called to live
a life in accordance to God’s standard of what is right and wrong. Where can we
find that? It’s probably just there lying in your desk or stack neatly together
with your other books waiting for you to read it.
“Read your Bibles, pray everyday and you’ll grow, grow,
grow;” says a classic children song. It is true that there are some issues that
are not given clear or broad explanation in the Bible but as we read our Bibles
and know more of how Jesus spent His life here on earth, we can somehow know
how to react and respond to issues in life that are difficult to grasp. We grow
in our understanding of how to live our life here on earth as we daily seek to
obey God’s commands in how He wants us to conduct our ways - righteous and
pleasing before His sight.
It’s your turn
As I have mentioned above, I am still in the process of
understanding how to properly respond to this issue on homosexuality if ever
this confronts me in the future, say in ministry. So your thoughts will be
helpful. You may wish to comment on anything I have said above or answer any of
the questions below.
1. How can Christians of today effectively reach out to
homosexuals with the goal of winning them to Christ given the fact that the
world’s acceptance, or should I say toleration, of homosexuality is gaining
vast social and legal approval all throughout the globe (e. g. same sex
marriage, etc.)?
2. As a Christian, how will you react to a friend’s
confession that he/she is gay in such a way that will neither condemn him/her
nor tolerate his/her sexual preference which is obviously opposite to God’s
original design for him/her?
3. If you are a church worker or pastor, what action will
you take upon knowing that one of the most active youth leaders in your church
confessed that he/she is gay and is engaged in a same-sex relationship?
2From “What EXACTLY does the Catholic Church say
about homosexuality?”,
accessed June 26, 2013 .
The premise of my comment is "Anything that violates God's design is not good." The Bible is clear that when He created human beings, He only made man and woman. Both has been made as a compliment to the other. Man has some needs that only a woman can meet and also a woman has some needs that only a man can give. However, within the ethical realm, I would say that believers should not reject them. They are sinners, just like everyone of us, who need a Svaior.
ReplyDeleteI agree of what you've said brother! To be a gay or to be a lesbian is not a sin but the wrong doings they do are the sins. I mean to say that once they violate the Words of God, they commit a sin. Formerly, I interviewed a gay if he really wanted to be a gay. He said, he did not want to be a gay. The environment affected him a lot or may be he inherited it from his parents or from his ancestor. I mean to say, the gene might affected him as well. In my conclusion, we have no right to judge them because we don't know how they struggle! Let us just pray for them. :)
DeleteThis is the most prevalent issues that we face nowadays and this needs to be addressed; especially by us Christians,those whom God had brought from darkness to light, because we know how it feels to walk in darkness. As Christ followers, we should always have in mind how God dealt with us; He loved the sinners because He is love but at the same time He hated sin because He is holy and just. So just as Jesus did we should extend our unconditional love to them at the same time holding fast to God's truth and leading the homosexuals to the truth until they are set free. Its not easy and I can say that from having a close friend who chose to be gay and he knows the truth that God abhors it yet he still "continues to enjoy it while it lasts". But amidst his stand for now, I also stand firm by not giving up on him through my friendship and prayers; believing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
ReplyDeletei dont think same sex marriage is right, because marriage is meant for man and woman, and anyone forcing it is doing sin. in the same token, anything below or beyond God's will is sin. this is also another way of blasphemy, because people are taking something beautiful and holy from God and turning it into something twisted and wrong.
ReplyDeleteI believe that it is not a sin for a man to be sexually attracted to a woman (I am not talking about lusting, I am just talking about being sexually attracted, which is a God-given). Now if that is not a sin, then for a man or a woman to be sexually attracted to the same sex is also not a sin (it may have distorted as a consequence of sin, but I still believe it is not a sin). However both heterosexuals and homosexuals, because of our sinful nature once in a while falls to lusts (this is when we can call it sin). Both sinned and both need God's forgiveness. With this thought in mind, being homosexual or not hold no major difference, it is finding forgiveness in Christ and being able to manage our sexual attractions healthily through the power of the Holy Spirit. Most likely homosexuals would manage their sexual attraction to the same sex differently than homosexuals.
ReplyDeleteHi! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Let's say you're right that being attracted to the same sex is not a sin but would you also say having relationship with the same sex is not a sin as long as you are handling your emotion or feeling well (not in a lustful manner)?
DeleteSame sex attraction is not God given! It is a corruption.
Deleteyeah right... its just like admiring your same sex and thats not basically not a sin.. but having a relationship thats another story..its practicing homosexuality and definitely a sin..
DeleteIf you are "in a relationship" with someone you obviously are planning to have sex with him/her in the future, and that goes both ways. So it's obvious that having relationship with the same sex is not going to end up good, because it is going against the design of God.
DeleteWhat homosexuals need is to again see the beauty of God's design, which is 'it is good for a man to be sexually attracted to a woman and vice versa.'
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
ReplyDeleteLeviticus 18:22 (KJV)Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves
im a youth worker and if someday I will encounter in my ministry that one of my leaders is practicing homosexuality, we will do counseling and sure its a very long struggle for him so I'll be patient, prayer will do and telling to him that its not the design of the Lord for him.
ReplyDeleteim sure one of his reason is, "pastor ganito na talaga ako", so ill tell to him that with his own strength he cant overcome but through surrendering his life to Lord Jesus.
People who surrendered to Jesus will definitely change, so if they will not accept Jesus as their Savior they will not change. If so, their choice will letting go the sin of homosexuality and live pleasing to God
These are some of the reasons gay is suddenly becoming “OK” in Western society. How do we as Christians respond?
ReplyDeleteFirst, we must acknowledge that the scriptures were given to us in a time when homosexuality was a grave threat to society. Childbearing was imperative to survival. All-male institutions were the backbone of civilization. In this context it’s not difficult to see why sex between men was seen as an abomination.
In fact, this is the very argument liberal theologians use to interpret the Bible’s prohibitions surrounding homosexuality. They believe that if Jesus were to walk among us today he would accept committed, same-sex relationships. After all, God is love, and if two men love each other, who are we to say no?
But even if you accept the notion that homosexuality is not the societal threat it once was, it’s another thing entirely to assume that God has changed his mind on the issue. Maybe God has other reasons for restricting sex to a monogamous, male-female relationship.
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Right is always right. Wrong is always wrong. For me, anything not allowed in God 's word is wrong. Its not being harsh or descriminating....its being TRUE which others dont see. For Christians, its a reminder to take note. That homosexuality is really a sin, not because of my perception but because of what God 's word say . It may hurt others but its God 's way of reminding us that we are not of this world, we are His.children and that He loves us so much. He doesnt want us to be lost in this world. So its up to us if we listen or.not. God is always giving us what we need but we always make our own. Man is for woman as to woman is to man. Nothing more. Nothing less :)
ReplyDeletePrayer is still one of the most effective way we can do for them. TRUE love as brothers and sisters in Christ is wat they need. Let just be patient in praying for them.
ReplyDeleteI condemn homosexuality as a sin and will be judged by God. However we should make a dividing line between homosexuality and the homosexual- homosexuality is sin, homosexual is a sinner. the former should be condemned, the latter should be redeemed. homosexual has lots of condemnation from the society. will they receive the same treatment from our churches? did God condemned the samaritana in John 4? what saddens me is that some members have the same jeering attitude against homosexuals as kanto people do. we are urged to stand as Christians against laws and practices promoting homosexuality, but let us endeavor for our churches to be a safe refuge for transformation of these losts.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. brother. Christians must not condemn struggling homosexuals but should make every effort instead to reach out to them with the goal of winning them to Christ - from darkness to light. But obviously this is not an easy task considering how the world regards homosexuality today. Let us continue to pray that the Church will be patient and persistent enough to help those who have homosexual tendencies, to love them as unto the Lord despite their present sinful lifestyles hoping that someday soon they will eventually come to realize what is right from wrong, based on God's standard, not on what the world dictates.
DeleteThe Bible is clear the it does not permit homosexuality. This is a challenge to all Christians how we can show love to this kind of people not accepting their sexual preference but how we can influence them with God's love to see the right sexual perspective according to God's design.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. It is indeed a great challenge for every Christian today how to deal with this issue. Sometimes we can go to either of the two extremes - we either condemn them or tolerate them (in our wanting to make them feel loved and accepted). Either approach is obviously wrong. I agree with you when you said that we need to show love to them just as how we treat other people whom we see are living sinful lives. We need to show love and correct or rebuke in love too. We need to radiate God's love to them but we also need to let them know the truth behind the lies of the enemy. I know it's easier said than done. But there's always hope for those who wait. It will take time, much extra time, I believe. But for us who are saved by grace, it is just fitting and just that we too extend that same grace to those who are still lost in the dark.
DeleteThough some would accept homosexuality as "normal", this is unacceptable before God's sight. Homosexuality is SIN. Some of my young people had this kind of struggle and it's not that easy on how to deal with them. In fact, some Christians responded differently by rejecting those who struggling with it. Yes, Christians must know and learn to love and care by journeying with them so that they can completely overcome it.
ReplyDeleteWhat are specific ways you did as you journeyed with them? Would it be helpful to them if the church will put them under some disciplinary action?
DeleteIn response to question 1, first I think society now is not just tolerating homosexuality but accepting, embracing and even encouraging it. Second, its really hard to know how to help them when the usual reaction of Christians towards homosexuals is either to stay away, condemn or correct them immediately. Personally I need to see myself on how I relate to a homosexual when the situation arises. For now, I hope I will do what Jesus did; He was with the drunkards, prostitutes and other sinners but He never condemned them but He loved and respected them. He did not strongly rebuke them unlike how He treated the self-righteous Pharisees. Jesus showed compassion to the sinners but He did not tolerate or accept the sins. How to do that in our time; we need grace and guidance from Jesus alone.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Andrew Rota. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter.