Friday, June 28, 2013

Capital Punishment

by Abbas

"Charges Fabricated against Six Christians in Bangladesh. Police unable to back accusation of 'hurting religious feelings' against health care workers. LOS ANGELES, April 26 (CDN) — A judge has dismissed a case against volunteer health care workers northwest of Bangladesh’s capital city of Dhaka who were charged in March with 'hurting religious feelings' after area Muslims objected to distribution of Christian literature at a health camp. The six Christians were working at the health camp offering free treatment for poor villagers in Damurhuda, Chuadanga district, some 210 kilometers (126 miles) northwest of Dhaka, were arrested on March 24 and released on bail three days later. Mannan Mridha, pastor in the Way of Peace movement of 490 house churches in northwest Bangladesh, which established the health care camp, said a Japanese volunteer doctor offered Christian leaflets and Bibles to patients; the doctor told patients they were under no obligation to take them, Mridha told Compass. Some area Muslims stirred up area residents against the doctor, and the angry villagers had police to arrest six Christian volunteers who worked with him under Section 54 of the penal code, a special power granted to police to arrest anyone on any suspicion. Later police prosecuted the six nationals, but not the foreign doctor, under section 295-A of the penal code for hurting religious sensibilities."[1]
Capital punishment for the Christians is very common in the Muslim country. Sometimes capital punishment should be morally accepted as an instrument of discipline for the Christians because   according to Acts 25:10-11, since the New Testament does not denounce the idea of capital punishment, but instead assumes the right of the state to use it but it must be fair. Since through the preaching of the gospel the hearts of the governments maybe changed so the Christians should  morally appreciate the capital punishment as a part of their ministry instead of persecution because of the cross. As the Christians we need to pray to protect ourselves from the capital punishment. If the non-Christians do the bad thing/unethical it is normal but for the Christians it is not normal because our Lord looks at our motives. We must be faithful to the biblical response during our capital punishment. We should never be unjust to the non-believers but must be always just. We will have to do what is the most loving and just to the capital punishment.    

               [1] Christians in Bangladesh.


  1. Brother, I agree with you that as christian we can't agree with capital punishment but need to make some laws that really help for stopping the crime. Capital punishment does not stop crime but it will create more crime.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. By looking at the lives of disciples and historical background of the church, it is sure that following the steps of Jesus Christ has never been easy. But I personally believe that we just need to pray for stopping the capital punishment. Of course we don't want that happen but Christian can take no action to stop it yet since it is Muslim country. My prayer is that there will be people in the office of government who follow Jesus Christ and who are dare to do the right things for the sake of expending the kingdom of God.

  4. I am agreed with you. We Christians cannot avoid the capital punishment because of the cross. We cannot go against the government but we must pray so that the Holy Spirit will change their hearts to realize the truth that all human beings need salvation.

  5. I like this topic so much because it is truth.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. there you go, we, as Christian should be faithful to the biblical response to all the ethical issues in the society, not only capital punishment.

  8. Brother, I agree with you. I totally condemned capital punishment. Thank you very much for sharing current situation about Christianity in Bangladesh. I will pray for you and your country. Thank You

  9. capital punishment is a Bible-ordained measure against grave crime especially when life is involved. Romans 13:4 says that the government does not bear the sword in vain. the thing is capital punishment has been used to advance fundamentalists' bias. the proper equation for capital punishment is life for life, not "feelings" for life. its sad that Christians are put to death simply because they proclaim the truth and gain converts thereby. when used for justice capital punishment is right but to advance biases its a murder in the pretext of a constitution.

  10. Indeed Truly persecution among Christians are phenomenon, But we must not hold onto it because the suffering of our physical life will not last forever, but the love and goodness of the Lord will be with us until the end. As Peter says,' if we do what is good for the Lord and we endure it, We please God. We, as follower of Christ will those who are lost, through the help and guidance of our faithful God.

  11. Capital punishment is right and it shall be use in right way. May God change the heart of the unbelieving generation of the world. So that justice will prevail in the world where there is injustice for Christians.

  12. As a believer its also our responsibility to follow the government rules. Our heavenly father is the source of all authorities. Hopefully we can pray for this transformation. God knows the time when he speaks and he can give passion for the salvation. We can continue our job then God makes the situation in rescue process and government will beside the heavenly kingdom............Amen.


  13. As a believer its also our responsibility to follow the government rules. Our heavenly father is the source of all authorities. Hopefully we can pray for this transformation. God knows the time when he speaks and he can give passion for the salvation. We can continue our job then God makes the situation in rescue process and government will beside the heavenly kingdom.
