by Randolf Galon
Filipina Overseas Foreign Workers asked for sex
in exchange of ticket flight back to Philippines
news and speculations have been in the media circulation these days, exposing
allegedly what was unlikely happening to OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) who
are being sheltered in local embassy offices in countries such as Saudi Arabia
in particular. These unlikely activities allegedly done especially by Filipino
embassy officers in particular are now being investigated by the Filipino
government officers sent in order to investigate these particular incidents.
John Leonard Montenora, coordinator of a
social action group called Migrante
Middle East and North Africa, posted this article in the opinion section
website of Philippine Daily Inquirer, a national daily newspaper in the
told by victims to Migrante officers in Saudi Arabia, the “sex-for-flight”
scheme allegedly being employed by some embassy and labor officials usually
operates like this:
embassy or labor official asks a runaway or distressed overseas Filipino worker
at the Bahay Kalinga or Filipino Workers Resource Center if she has money to
pay for her own return airplane ticket and the fines imposed on her for being
an absconder, and to reimburse her sponsor-employer the cost of her deployment.
2. Seven
out of 10 OFWs in the center, as expected, have no money and are, in fact, in
dire need of help from the officials and the government. The official, who is
reportedly a member of a syndicate operating inside the Philippine
Embassy/labor offices in the Middle East, discreetly talks to a penniless OFW
to offer an “indecent proposal” which includes cash payment in return.
3. At
night time, the OFW is fetched by either the driver or any local-hire staff of
the embassy and labor officials, the ring leaders behind the sex-for-flight modus
4. Based on information from reliable sources, the amount given to sex-for-flight
victims ranges from 500 rials to 1,000 rials. Some very desperate OFWs accept
as low as 100 rials to 300 rials[2].
Any form of abuse, verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse against a person especially women is indeed an assault to humanity. It’s a sad reality that even some societies today still views women as weaker gender. It’s manifested in our society – in the government, in the business, education and even the family in particular.
the Bible says.
in his letter to Timothy reminded him on how to treat women, both young and old
in the church. In 1 Timothy 5: 1Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 2 older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. (NIV) Paul in these verses reminds Timothy on how to treat women in the church especially since he was the leader of the church.
Also, in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he acknowledged the contribution given by his two women co-workers in the Lord. Philippians 4 “2 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. 3 Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.” (NIV)
In 1Peter3:7, Peter talks about how women must be treated in the household. “7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” (NIV)
My take.
believe that women should be treated with respect and dignity as a man’s
companion for life. They too were created as image bearers of God himself. God
created them with will, emotions and intellect to know God and to worship Him.
To love God, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves must motivate us to
show and express our love and respect to women, as one of God’s special
What is your take?
1. What is your comment regarding this issue?
2. How does this topic help you?
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2. How does this topic help you?
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on ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking
News, Video, Analysis,Features ( accesed June
30, 2013.
The Bible clearly tell us that women are weaker than men so we are to protect them and care for them. In my country, I saw in some tribal people group who are not well educated yet are still practicing the abusing against the women. I think that the gospel and education are the best way to help people being able to see the beauty of each life which God has given to men and women.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing what is happening in your country Bro, this will give us an idea of that this issue is also happening in other countries as yours, in particular. I appreciate your suggestions and i agree about it. Thanks!
DeleteLet each man think himself an act of God, His mind a thought, his life a breath of God; And let each try, by great thoughts and good deeds, To show the most of Heaven he hath in him.
ReplyDeletePhilip James Bailey
its very disappointing to know that circumstances like these are existing in the society. Women in general regardless of status, cultural background, educational attainment were still considered inferior towards men. This is not a mere issue on human rights, but more on the respect for the rights of women as individuals as well.
For me, this should be a catalyst not just for morally conscious individuals in the society to act, but I think the burden here is the challenge for the Christians as well, to walk their talk. for me it calls for a unified petition before our God to stir in us the burden to care for others, to intercede for others and create in us an awareness to help others.
The bible says we are all made in the image of God, Gen. 1:26. Whoever disrespect Man/Woman creation of God, he himself will be judged accordingly. We are offending God when we do this, Gen 9:6. The Law of God is above human laws, as our righteous laws reflect God. We should regard man and respect him/her as respect be given to the one who created him/her. We strongly condemn this act of using women for their selfish motives. May God have mercy on us, let us respect one another, help one another. We reflect God when we accomplish this.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your valuable comments po. Truly, God had made it clear even from the very beginning of His book how He wanted us to act, and react towards one another, as part of His valued creations. God bless po!
DeleteThe Bible protects the rights of the women in the area of sexuality. Gen. 1:26-28 declares women as co-bearers with men of the "imago die." women then are persons, not properties to be used and abused. Lev. 18 laws down laws on sexual relations that protect women from incest, prostitution, rape, and simply forced sex (less severe than rape, e.g. sex during their period). Deut. 21:10-14 forbids the Israelites to rape even pagan war captive women. they have to allow these women to undergo mourning and cleansing before they marry them whereas, ancient neareastern culture prize rape as part of war booty.
ReplyDeleteWe might be known as a nation of thieves and pickpockets, but we are famous as gentlemen and gallantry. if proven guilty, let these diplomats be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law and wipe out this shame before the international community.
I appreciate your further examples bro, especially from the OT books wherein it was clear enough how should Israelites treat women in their society. It only reveals that God acknowledges the role that women play, especially in God's program. Thanks!
Deleteabuse of women is sickening.culture and practices are not excused for women to be perceived as a thing or property. this is so unfair. God created everyone equal. it is not a woman's fault to be treated as such. The women in the Bible were treated with respect and dignity so women of today deserve to be treated the same. I pray that the Christian community will make a difference on how to respect and protect the women.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts about this issue, especially from a woman's perspective. This issue still does exist in our society today. Let us all be sensitive and act promptly. Thanks!
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ReplyDeleteI loved how John and Staci Eldredge creatively and Biblically described the design and purpose of the man and woman in their books. In Psychological and Sociological point of view, sadly, everything is patterned according to "man's" perception. The worth of the woman is reduced to how attractive she is in the eyes of her man- or men. The Woman/ Women don't know her/ their worth--the SHE IS LOVED BY THE ONE WHO CREATED HER and to her, God bestowed life-bearing gift.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devil seeks to destroy the woman through violence, emotional and all sorts of abuse for he knows that when a woman lived the way she is created, She is Life to people and community around her.
We all share humanity-- we are Imago Dei. When the violent man abuses a woman, he abuses himself. What he does to women he is doing it to himself; thus, he don't know love after all- or love was not nurtured in him in his so-called family.
But there is glory when man and woman compliments,protects and love one another. God is glorified, and His masterpiece really radiates what they are called to be- To reflect God here on earth.
Respect for women is not only the issue. Each individual will not be able to consider other human as an equal being unless one can pay respect and accept each other as equal being, "human being" i should say. It is an issue that is constantly dealt with, written, and addressed almost everyday in media, talks, and books. Though equality creeps in individual heads, no one dare to submit nor "humble thyself" to show respect but ask for it. Here, we are addressing about the immorality of women abuse. I would say, we must addressed humanity issue. To be able to live as human as we could be, to be able to consider/accept/embrace each one as from one race i.e; human race. Teaching about equality and love to all race will lessen the problem of abuse of other being is what I believe. For human pride will be the first to be dealt with. When each one is humble enough to love and respect and care, equality will not be an issue anymore, not only with the women. It is sad that 'respect' others is not something that we teach, but how worst 'women abuse' has become day by day.
ReplyDeleteComment from Namcham Thiumai
ReplyDeletePosted on Jul 5, 2013:
"I feel so sad reading and hearing about all those pathetic stories of moral decline in our society especially among the Christians. There is no exclusion and my mind is worried sometimes that what if my own sisters would do such things out of no choice? We need to collectively fight for this cause not just the government officials but including the good people-called us."
I have question to men, why do you do such kind of things? why do you want to take benefit from the victims? It is very shameful to being men and doing these kinds of things. Men and women have to respect each other. men should behave women as their own sisters. I am always feel sad when media address each about sex abuse.
ReplyDeleteI think mostly those kinds of abusers are non-Christian so that the best idea for stopping it would be reaching them in Christ and teaching them the biblical value of man and woman. We can’t say just stop it but we need to make aware of it both of them, men and women.
ReplyDeleteThe problem of that abused is not only to the abuser but to the one abused, there are women who are taking advantage of the men who are sexually addict to make money and there are men who are thinking that women is only a property, I think we should be more proactive in dealing with this issue, carefully evaluating it side by side to come up with transformative result.