Saturday, July 6, 2013

Would the Christian Church Welcome a Prostitute?

by Jeevan Shrestha

Prostitution involves the selling and buying of sex. It involves an exchange of money for sex between a man and a woman who have no legal, moral or emotional attachment to each other.
Prostitution is often referred to as a “the world oldest and most disgraced profession.”  It is clearly evident in the Old Testament and New Testament era where it is regarded as a lowly and undesirable profession. Sex workers are condemned and stigmatized in antiquity and today. The Bible is generally against prostitution and treats the practice as the symbol of filthiness and unfaithfulness to God. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 clearly mentions that prostitution is morally wrong in the eyes of God.  

However, Jesus was not judgmental in this. When questioned by those who condemned the woman caught in adultery as to whether she should be put to death, Jesus commented "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".  Jesus did not disregard her sin but he expected her to turn away from this sin without judging her. We may think that prostitutes are unacceptable to the church but they are still people loved by God.When speaking to those who refused to believe the truth about Himself, Jesus Christ said, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him" (Matthew 21:31-32).

Why is prostitution so persistently present throughout history? Have we tried to look at the other side of the story? 

Prostitution is surely not a high noble calling. No woman who feels she really has a selection from which to freely choose, say, “I would like to be a prostitute”? The things we have heard girls say what they want to be when they grow up, surely we have never heard one, as a child or teen, say, “I want to be a prostitute”.  It is one of those bitter realities that we have to deal with in our imperfect world. Have we ever thought of why those women have chosen this life for themselves?  Have we tried to know how these women came from all different walks of life? 

The average, prostitute is drug-addicted, homeless, abused, extremely poor and living in fear. Prostitution demonstrates how horrible poverty is by driving God's beautiful children to a life of poverty and humiliation. For women who engage in prostitution it is their means of living. Most prostitute women do not have enough opportunity of education due to poverty. Many women who are in this occupation say that they decided to prostitute themselves to escape from poverty. There are some instances; young girls are working as strippers to pay off their school tuition. Some of them are single mothers, who need jobs. Hunger, one of the most fundamental human instincts, is a powerful motivator that forces to resort to extremely desperate measures in their struggle for life. Many of the women are the victim of sex trafficking where they are implanted to slavery. They are so dishonored and traumatized that they lives are torn. 

What is our responsibility as a Church? 

As a church we need to make an effort to know the problem from the root level so that we can liberate them from their former life and help them to heal from the things that get them into. Instead of overwhelming them with do’s and don'ts we must allow time or God to change them. Maybe slowly but God will change them. There are instances that they are even pushed to embrace their former lifestyle because of law teaching from the pulpit and the wrong attitude of the believers. They seek love and acceptance in church rather than feeling unwelcome at church. We need to discern the fact that it is our grace and love that they need and not the message of judgement that will push them back to their life. Sanctification is an inward work of God's Spirit. A truly sanctified life is a truly changed life by the Lord. Let our determination uphold the reputation of Jesus, and our love and encouragement rescues them from the flames. Forgiveness, restoration and honor—this is what Christ offers to the prostitute, provided she turns from her sin and trusts in his Son.

Your opinions !!!

  • How should the church respond to prostitution?
  • What if that porn star took ten years to be convicted by God, get baptized and leave porn?  What if she needed forgiveness every week?  Would we be able to tolerate her?
  • As a church how can we bring restoration to broken women who have been or are involved in prostitution?
  • Would you offer her a seat next to your family?
  • Do you think it would encourage her? That it would inspire or equip her in some way to change her current perspective or beliefs and work harder at clinging to Christ instead of her flesh and the world?

Work cited: 


  1. this topic is one of the most highlighted issues from the old testament and new testament time and till now. if we forbid prostitute to come in our church then we are a stumbling block for them, even Jesus did not forbid then who we are to forbid? Although it may be embrace to the congregation but the truth is no one perfect there is no greater and leaser sin in the eyes of God. whatever it may be the sin is sin. but to irrigate this prostitution business our society and government should provide the lively means.

  2. I think it's alright to accept them inside the church. But when that happens, the leaders should know what they must do. Let's welcome them with godly love and believe that the Holy Spirit has His own way of renewing them into God's image. The Lord Jesus will accept them very much and He can give them new direction in life.

  3. I agree with you that church really need to do something for them. It is a very critical issue because churches are more judgmental rather than showing compassion for them. As I have heard many stories of them, they have their own stories so that they might not stop completely when we shared the gospel but we need to give time for them to realize that it is not good for them and in site of God. Jesus has clearly shown an example to accept a prostitute.

  4. If we believe that the Church is the house of God, body of Christ, etc.etc. is there a criteria or a different type of Church where those we think "sinners" must attend? Where will "sinners' go, if the members of the "body of Christ" are not open to them? :D I think, it is time to go out and accept them just as they are... Who knows they are praying hard, and cried their hearts out to God in their 'workplace.' It is so sad how much "believers of God" discriminate and have so much hatred for those who do not attend or being part of "the Church." Well, it is not enough to talked about accepting them and preaching about them, it is time to accept, love, and show the compassion of Christ just as Jesus did. As it is said, "hate sin not the sinners" - Gandhi. Who knows, they are the once who will sit next to Christ in heaven.

  5. Prostitution is one of the hallmarks of a depraved world. it is where sin is destructive- physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. prostitutes have a high dose of shame, discrimination, abuse, and guilt complex. the society who sneak to them in secrecy for pleasure is the first to throw stones at them. prostitutes are created in the image of God, but sin have taken their heavy toll on their person. the question is, "are our churches safe refuge for these lost who are seeking forgiveness, love, respect, care, healing and acceptance?" its sad to hear prostitutes claiming that church would be the last place on earth they would go because some church goers are worse accusers than the non-church goers. we must make at least a thin dividing line between prostitution and the prostitute. prostitution is a sin that befits condemnation and eradication. prostitute is a sinner that needs that grace of God as much as you and me do. prostitution needs eradication, prostitute needs redemption. we should have this fundamental perspective after the concept of grace in order that we can truly reach out to the samaritanas of our society.

  6. no one in earth will do prostitution by their desire but it is always done to fulfill the needs and the needs can be of very different kind. So as for the acceptance in the church and the community should be open because they are also human like us only the difference is they do their living and work differently. As a church they should be open for these ladies so that they can be rehabilitate them and give them a new hope for living. It is not us to judge them because we cannot even judge ourselves. So rather than opening our hands to point them for their work it is better use our arms to embrace them and show the love of Christ as He had shown to us as we were also sinner before. In the mean time we as a christian should not forget to help them in their living by promoting them in skill development lessons so that they don't have to go back in the sex-work to survive. It is a challenge for us to Christians that how we are helping them or helping our community to be better.So I don't see any wrong in the prostitute but lets stop their work and help them to be a better person by showing the Love of Christ through us and help them to overcome from that work.

  7. Prostitute is growing each day in this world. Some are doing these activities for their pleasures. Some are doing this by force and some are doing this job for other reasons. Churches have to think how can they will share good news and accept them as themselves. Most of them are doing this because they do not have any option. We Christians have to accept them and help them to come out from this occupation. I am glad to read your blog. It has made to think about it.

  8. Yes, I agree with you in your article mentioned how prostitute chose this profession. NO one ever say that I want to be prostitute. There are some reasons behind to make her prostitute. As a church, we need to work hard to eradicate the root cause of prostitute. Church is home for welcoming sinners like prostitutes. Jesus came to the world not to save for righteous but for sinners. Jesus gave perfect example how He forgave an adulterous woman. Church should respond with loving heart but we need to show clearly slowly that why we should leave this profession. It is not just moral issues. There are tremendous challenges arises as we will work against prostitutes. It is not simple moral talk to bring them out of their profession. We need passion to work with them. It is my prayer that every local church should have forgiving and loving heart towards them and work for them.

  9. Jesus said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick" (Matthew 9:12). But when a sinner encounters the truth and is set free, then he/she must take the words of Jesus, "I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more" (John 8:11).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There is an unspoken distinction when it comes to sin among the those that are in the church: there are those sins that are "respectable" and there are those that are utterly offensive being gay or a murderer or a prostitute for example. The fault with this distinction is that it fails to see both for what they truly are: they both offenses against God and needs to be repented of. The church can only respond the to prostitutes by speaking the Gospel in love warning them of the dangers of sin both temporal and eternal and pleading with them to run to Savior and embrace him for what he is. If a porn star is unconvicted with her sin then she is not part of the church but if she profess to be a Christian and but continues to practice that kind of life, the Church should follow the directives of Christ which is to discipline a professing believer.
    When a prostitute becomes a believer it is important to help her grow in her faith and the reality of who she is now in Christ. She is no longer a prostitute but a child of God who has been washed clean. Positionally, God no longer condemns her but accepts her totally because of Christ. Another thing to consider is that their past has really left scars and wound that needs to be healed by God through the church as a community.

  12. We need to convience them just like anyone else, prostitutes have the opportunity to receive salvation and eternal life from God, to be cleansed of all their unrighteousness and be given a brand new life! All they must do is turn away from their sinful lifestyle and turn to the living God, whose grace and mercy are boundless. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Therefore, in light of this as a Church, we need to encourage them and accept them as the family of Christ despite of criticizing or judging them for their works. Jeevan, thanks for raising this issue as every churches are struggling in these area. God bless.

  13. Jesus came to free the sinners of this world. As bible says that not even one man is righteous. We all are subject to sin. Christ welcomed Samaritan woman who had 5 unofficial husbands. Christ accepted sinner woman ( Prostitute) in the house of Pharisee. Bible clearly says that these women were great witnesses for the Christ Jesus in the first century. When Christ and first century christian accepted them in their church. They were transformed totally after knowing to Christ. So today if any of those kind of people come to church, we need to welcome and share them the love of God. Who knows tomorrow these people can be a great witness for the Gospel. Church has to explore themselves to reach these people not only through gospel but also with concept of re habitation. Church should give them some skills training so that they can survive with that job. So finally we need to restore them spirtually,scoially and economically. This can bring hope in thier lives.

  14. I was so challenged by the blog. it is the hot issue in the churches that we will accept prostitute women in our church or not. In this world church is the one who need to step out to receive this kind of people because only church and christian people know the love of Jesus. These people are neglected by the society, family but our small step can change the life of this people. this is the time to take step out to show the love of God and share our life to bring new hope to these people.

  15. Prostitution should be rejected but the prostitutes should be accepted. And the church should be the first institution that should accept them. However, what is happening nowadays is the opposite. It is the church that is condemning them. Until we all realize our responsibility as the body of Christ, prostitutes will always be considered a scum of the society. How will these people know the love and grace of God if we ourselves who are professing to be experiencing it do not show it to them? And how will they be restored if we look at them in condemnation? I think it's time for us to look at them with the lens of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  16. I guess nowadays human trafficking and prostitution has a fine line in between but regardless of its definition, we do not have a right to make our own little judgments just because we think they are way below than most people are.

    The act of prostitution and the prostitute are two different things. The love of the Lord is immeasurable that it goes beyond what the eyes of the human race see - God loves every sinner like us, yes, even the prostitutes, and on other side He despises the sin of prostitution and immorality. Now, how can we make a connection between God and the prostitutes? Well, in the very similar way that God has with the rest of us. If we are sincere to confess with our mouths and ask for God's forgiveness of all the sins that we did, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all of it. Just like that. If we are willing to receive Christ in our hearts then He can begin His transformation and we, on our part, must continue to be willing to be changed...and disciplined. There would be instances that we would have to be accountable for the sins of our past but what is uplifting is that now that we have God in our lives, we can have the strength to overcome and be victorious. There are no specific ingredient for each person in order for God to grant forgiveness -- it's universal. His dealings with our past is the one that is more personal and specific; stuff that He wanted us to let go of and be released.

    There are ministries in the Body of Christ that are specific in this issue. They develop programs and counselling in order to help the person gradually be released and delivered from her past and face the future with hope as they help her establish and settle like finding a job and have a better life with new group of people. Our position is not to give any prejudice but rather show compassion and any appropriate assistance that we can give to them.
