by Joshua Miranda
Once while in India I was telling a person about
Christ, he asked me a question when the time had

“The rich and the poorer have a common bond, the
Lord is the maker of them both” (Proverbs 22:2, Nasu). There are some who are
born rich and are more fortunate with more opportunities and some who are poor
and less fortunate with no opportunities at all. Sometimes there is corruption
involved and at sometimes natural laws take over. If parents are prudent and
wise, it will most likely also be that their children will all be prudent and
wise. When children have rich parents they get a huge inheritance and do better
in the world they live in. It really doesn’t matter if a person is educated or
not in the final day when he stands before God only the opportunities he had
will be judged. This is mentioned in Luke 16:10 (Nasu) “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also
in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also
in much.” It going to be all about how we used what we possessed. Also if
a person is in a position to help a poor person and knows of someone like that
who he can help and doesn’t do it he stands guilty before God. (Proverbs
3:27-28, James 4:17). God counts every opportunity we had even the place where
were born is recorded “The LORD will count when He registers the peoples, "This one was born there."”
(Psalm 87:6, NASU)
God when he entrusts a lot of riches to someone a
lot is required of that person, if that person is to be a good steward for God.
Even a person who is born poor can somehow think big and somehow achieve his
goals by being smart, working hard and being persistent and following his
passion (this is not always true but is possible). A poor person mostly hangs out
with the wrong friends who teach him the wrong things. A person normally
becomes the person they normally hangout with.
Many a times a person suffers due to lack of
finances because in the days of plenty he doesn’t save for the times of need. We
see an example of Joseph in Genesis, he is in charge of everything even
facing a series of trials because he is relying on God all the way. The reason
why Joseph is head over all Egypt is because he displays the wisdom of God when
Pharaoh needed his dreams interpreted. Pharaoh has a couple of dreams in
Genesis 41:17-24. Pharaoh is a person who is dependent on
everyone else except God to interpret his dreams and no one in Pharaohs court
can interpret those dreams. Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh. Egypt in
the seven years of harvest has to save for the seven years of famine that what
Joseph interpreted of the Pharaohs dreams . This story is should remind each
person that an economy can go up and can go down. Joseph knew that the economy
of Egypt was up and told the Pharaoh that they should save 20% of all the
produce of Egypt in the seven years of plenty that way when the years of famine
came they would have enough food to survive on . In the midst of trials all the
way to becoming prime minister Joseph relied on God and because he relied on
God, God gave Joseph a formula to save. Save 20% of the income. And because Joseph
used that formula Egypt prospered even in the days of famine.
& Results of Poverty
In the Biblical times someone without any material
possessions was considered to be living in poverty. If you read scripture
carefully it is clear that it was not God intention to for his people to live
in poverty. In fact everyone who lived in poverty was to be treated with compassion.
Some of the ways that caused people of the Bible to go to the extent of living
in poverty were (1) Laziness/Inaction (Proverbs
6:10-11; 10:4; 20:13; 24:33-34) (2) Discipline to work hard (Proverbs 13:18; 21:5)
(3) A promise to someone that couldn’t be fulfilled (Proverbs 22:26:27) (4)
Debt (Matt. 18:23-25) (5) Not saving up
for times of need(Luke 15:14). Poverty in the book of proverbs leads to ruin
(10:15), shame (13:18), misery (31:7), crime (6:30; 30:8-9).[1]
Most of these examples bring us to the conclusion
that it most likely the fault of someone that a particular family is poor today.
It can also be that a person is born poor but can train their children to dream
big and achieve those dreams. But poverty starts when children, parents or
someone up the family tree decided that it was ok to live a certain lifestyle
without any goals or determination or with a low self-image that plunged that
family into poverty.
Why are some people rich while some are poor? Who is to blame for this?
[1] Martin
H. Manser, Dictionary of Bible Themes:
The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies (London: Martin
Manser, 2009).
No one chooses to be poor, if we had an option to choose then definitely everyone would have chosen to be rich. It is circumstantial that you're either poor or rich . However, one chooses to carve his/her destiny.
ReplyDeleteWho is to blame for it?
This is something I don't think I m in a position to answer.
It is a thoughtful writing with Biblical references . I believe that the reason a person becoming poor or rich is his or her choice so I would not blame anyone for that. Let me explain this, we can not decide richness by looking at his or her property because we read news which mentioned a lot of rich people who had many property got suicide by not being feel met in lives. So a person may be materially poor but can be emotionally rich. So my statement is that no matter what situation we are in, we can always choose to be rich and enjoy life.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should not blame God for being rich or poor because the poor has some strength which the rich people can't have and the rich people has some strength which the poor people can't have . Some people experience more God's love and faithfulness through being poor.
ReplyDeleteSince Sovereign God has provided all the resources (includes water, plant, seed etc) for human beings to enjoy, eat, and used it for our own benefits, blaming God to be the cause of poverty would be so unfair. What's say?? But whom to be blamed??? Should we blame human being?? If we do... how would we reconcile the fact that many (if not, atleast some) people toil and work hard for their living to be able to be in above the poverty line but unfortunately many remain below poverty and they never have enough?????? Then, what is (are) the cause (s)?? OR are we (all humankind) unfaithful in preserving and taking care of the resources we have as a result the land did not produce enough...!!! Everyone wants to be rich... but not everyone is rich and Everyone tries to be rich but not everyone becomes rich. Why??? Did they not try? work? did their best??
ReplyDeleteThere would be many reasons that why some people are rich and some are poor. For me I believe that God has blessed all the people with all the resources in the earth but it’s depends on how they use. In other hands there are some rich people who really exploited to poor people. I also believe that God has blessed some rich people to take care of the poor people. The Bible clearly says that: "If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.” (Deuteronomy 15:7,8)
ReplyDeleteThere is no easy answer to the question posted but here are some truths which i believe must be weighed in.
ReplyDeletetruth #1 I believe that as the Scripture testifies, God is sovereign in placing people in various economic situations either in poverty or in affluence. This I know coincides with his good purpose.
truth #2 We live in a fallen world and the world we live in is not what it should be.
truth #3 One's degree of financial capability is not necessarily a indicator of one's purity of heart. I deny that one is poor because he is sinful or one is rich because he is more godly. That is not always the case for there are those who have wealth but have gained such through wicked ways. There are also those who are truly hard working and responsible but simply don't have the opportunity. There are also those who are poor because of divine providence such as in the case of Job when he lost his possesesions.
truth #4 Man is responsible to be good stewards of the things that God has entrusted him.
truth # 5 God is the gracious provider of all our needs and we are to ask from Him.
Brother Joshua, according to my understanding God is not the one who is to be blame. we found in bible about rich and poor but poor does not mean a curse. If we ponder it on this topic it is a blessing for both reach and poor? by helping the poor, reach will get favor from God because of his obedient. poor will depend on God so that God will provide his necessary needs. the problem is we do not depend on God and we are not become a good steward of the Possession that God gave us. therefore human should be blame for their behavior.
ReplyDeleteThe heart of poverty is in the mind of the person. There are some men who are poor but thinks and lives like the rich. They are contented with what they have. It's not just the amount of riches amassed that qualifies a man to be called rich. There are many rich people who still lives like the poor inspite of all their wealth and honor. What is the issue? The problem is their mindset. Unless they learn to live contentedly with what they have they will never be rich but remain poor. As for the question of who is to be blamed for this: it is the individual though there are some factors like family background or situation that can be accounted for. But with all the gifts and talents that God has bestowed upon each individual to use, grow and prosper the problem lies in poor stewardship as you have pointed out earlier. I enjoy reading. Good job bro.
I think as bible tells us that it is one of the consequences of sin, and I think physical and material poverty is worth considering but lot more is of a persons spiritual poverty and we need to address that. If a person restore relationship with God in Christ, He/She comes under general blessings to special blessings of God.Its not the religion but the relationship with God which changes mindset,the societies and a persons worth and status. God has plan for every person if he/she surrenders their life and will to Him I trust and that's what the Bible teaches that God's special plans and blessings are upon them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts with us and I like your example of "20% saving formula for the future"
I think as bible tells us that it is one of the consequences of sin, and I think physical and material poverty is worth considering but lot more is of a persons spiritual poverty and we need to address that. If a person restore relationship with God in Christ, He/She comes under general blessings to special blessings of God.Its not the religion but the relationship with God which changes mindset,the societies and a persons worth and status. God has plan for every person if he/she surrenders their life and will to Him I trust and that's what the Bible teaches that God's special plans and blessings are upon them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your thoughts with us and I like your example of "20% saving formula for the future" (sorry i posted my comment earlier without mentioning my name)
In my point view, no one wants to be poor. But God love and fair both the rich and poor. So, God gives 24 hours to every person to work and live. God also gives resources.Therefor, every person can work and live with the resources in 24 hours. However the people were born to the rich or the poor family, God feeds every person. But some of the rich people exploit the poor and some of the poor people also are lazy and stand on their poverty. I believe that if the rich people help the poor people and the people work and live without laziness, ever person can live with peace even though there are the rich and poor in the world. i also believe that it is also God's will.
ReplyDeleteIt is a difficult question to answer. The Bible also talks about the Psalms where the writer mourns about the wicked prospering while the righteous being punished and oppressed. The question however doesn't take us in that direction. Whatever we might say or believe, we must know that God Knows What He is doing. If Scarcity wasn't there, then one would not understand the meaning of abundance. God Knows that some, even though they are born poor have the work ethic and the desire to live a better life while some choose to be bogged down with their condition and live with it ( like the sick man at the pool of Bethesda ). One Might argue that an opportunity never came for that man / woman to improve their daily life but that would be something that we cannot talk about unless we have known that impoverished man inside out. Sometimes God also puts people either to reform their attitude towards life or bring them to True Faith. Blame would be the wrong word, held accountable would be more apt. We are in our finite and earthly wisdom can only think and speculate and we would never be able to understand the ways of God despite our Best Efforts. This question would be best left to be answered once we meet Christ in Eternity. Amen
ReplyDeleteNice article by the way. It demands that you ponder and spend time on this issue seeking Godly answers...
Good topic! Some talked about it, some fight for it, some just watched the discrimination that prevails among the rich and poor since the beginning of time. Yes, just as you said there are some who are born rich and some poor, 'not by choice' of course. But poverty now a days focuses on material riches that does not last for long. As par your question, I think there is no one to be blamed for, but as a person who said 'I believe in God,' and if 'God is love,' one needs to question what is the result of Gods' love and what Jesus did. To be honest, we can tell who are really in need of help, for all our basic needs all over the world are the same. I truly believe that Jesus will asked what was written in Matthew 25:42 - 45. "For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Well, it is an individual responsibility to take care of Gods' precious creations, from human beings, ourselves, to earth.
ReplyDeleteIt is true. Those are poor; they ask same question why God has discrimination. When I was reading your blog, I was thinking even my country people those are same like Mumbai street people. They are poor, have low estimate in their live. Our responsibility is to share love of Christ and help them to come out from poverty.
ReplyDeletePoor or rich is not the big problem to become a child of God. It is often happen that a poor man become rich and a rich man become poor. No one can blame God, a poor man/woman should not blame their parent. if they want to blame, they must blame themselves, because they have many ways to become wealthy person in the world.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank each and everyone who put a comment on my blog, I appreciate the fact that you'll guys took the time off in your busy schedule to post your comments here. I know many wanted to still comment but have enough comments for this blog post. I will post another blog entry in a few weeks you'll can post your comments there .