By: Randolf Galon
The recent execution of the Filipina in China proven guilty of drug trafficking, for smuggling 6.198 kilos of heroin into China brought into the limelight again the issue of capital punishment. This execution of a Filipina Overseas Worker was the fourth execution in China, since 2011. A spokesman from the Department of Foreign Affairs however, acknowledges and even called out many Filipino OFWs to avoid involvement with drug syndicates and recognized that drug trafficking is indeed a criminal act in the Philippines and all over the world. Philippines is a country known to be against death penalty. Philippines was actually the first country in Asia to abolish the death penalty in 1987. However, in 1992 it was restored through Republic Act No. 759 because of the worsening of crime situations in the country. On June 2006 however, it was abolished again with the enactment of R.A. No. 9346, with majority of support from the Congress. The primary reason for its abolition was that the concern for the safety and protection of the lives of the Filipino people. According to data from government agencies, in 2010 alone, there had been an estimated 9.5 million Filipinos living and working all over the world, comprising 10% of the nations’ total population.
Biblical arguments against execution:
a. First, Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you... whoever slaps you on your right cheek; turn the other to him also." Mat. 5:38-39
b. Second, Jesus forgave the woman "caught in adultery, in the very act." To those arguing that she should be put to death, Jesus said:"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." John 8:7
c. Third, Jesus taught believers to forgive:"But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Mat. 6:15
d. Fourth, the New Testament teaches Christians not to judge:"Judge not, that you be not judged." Mat. 7:1
e. Fifth, Paul taught believers to:Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse... Repay no one evil for evil... do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I Will repay," says the Lord." Rom. 12:14, 17, 19
Biblical arguments
in support of capital punishment:
a. God Instituted The Death Penalty

b. God Instructed Human Government To Exercise the Death Penalty
The very day that God instituted human government, He made the death penalty mandatory for murder and instructed human government to carry it out! "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, BY MAN shall his blood be shed . . ." (Genesis 9:6). "And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;. . . And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations." (Genesis 9:8,9,12).
c. God Has Never Repealed The Death Penalty
In James 2:10-13 and I Peter 2:13-15, the scriptures refer to rulers, lawbreakers and punishment, but in none of these can we find the death penalty refuted. If there was any change in the New Testament concerning the death penalty, surely it would be clearly stated here or elsewhere. Instead we read, " . . he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword." (Revelation 13:10).
d. The Death Penalty Is The Foundation Of Salvation
"The soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezekiel 18:4). "Sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1:15). "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Psalms 9:17). "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:15).
My stand
Death penalty or Capital punishment is definitely an issue not defined in the Bible. Both sides have relatively strong and valid scripture support for such causes, may be in favor or against it.
Proper execution of laws. Life is frail. Take care of it. The government must ensure fair trial and treatment of people regardless of his/her status in the society.
Restoration. Capital punishment should not be the only option especially in executing punishment for the wrong that was done. Instead, it should be considered as the last option for a person to be executed.
Justice, mercy, and grace for all. Above all, just as we are recipient of God’s justice, mercy and grace, we also must ought to show likewise to the person.
What is your stand against capital punishment or death penalty?
What punishment can you give instead of death penalty? Why?
People need to understand that committing prohibited act, heinous crime and capital crime have a corresponding punishment especially death penalty in other country so don't shoot yourself in the foot.
ReplyDeleteMy stand: No for Death Penalty. And instead give them life imprisonment to reflect and repent there mistake. :)
When I look at China, I think that the reason why this country become one of the richest countries is because the government has great disciplines over the people including with death penalty. Of course the Bible teaches us to forgive each other but for some crimes needs death penalty so that people will learn to avoid those crimes which really destroy people' lives.
ReplyDeleteI am totally against capital death penalty because God is the only one authentic person to take human's life. We can give them physical punishment according to their did.
ReplyDeletewhen you look at what is happening in the Philippines, it seems pretty good to have the death penalty except we have a terrible justice system and surely we'll be killing the wrong people.
ReplyDeleteno studies have proven that death penalty deters crime incidence. i think we're putting a wrong emphasis on the discipline of our nation on penalties crimes committed.
Forgiveness is unlimited, as this is what God instructed us to do. But, it is not to be use as an excuse to refute penalty of crime done. I believed that God never repealed the death penalty and still upholds it for the same reason He allowed it. God's standard never changed. It is also true that the more we look at the scripture, the more we become aware of the unwavering consistency of God and His intension to punish sin.
ReplyDeleteWe also have the same concerns about the rendering of verdicts. For those people who were given the authority to exercise judgment, they should be careful with their decisions. They must ask wisdom from God for a just verdict. God warned us all in Mat 7: 2, He said, " For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you."
Thumbs up! because for heinous crimes only that proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the person did the crime. We need to implement this law in our country because of many cruel people doing bad things again and again. It saddens me to hear young people being raped and killed.
ReplyDeleteIf the Judiciary System right now is credible enough to give fair justice I will support the govt.for the death penalty.But for me I believe there is only one can take our life that is our Creator.GOD......
ReplyDeleteI say no to death penalty. It is easy to judge anyone for what they have done but the authority to end ones life is not ours but it is in Him.On our end, as human, who also conveys imperfections in a way of sins, could only give the most lethal punishment through life sentence. Perhaps this could serve as a hope that they might realize what they have done and what its effect to their lives compared when they still have the word freedom. Everyone deserves second chance and a right to change.
ReplyDeleteThe discussion is one that needs to consider the fact that earthly legal action and eternal consequences are two important concerns and they cannot be twined together. for example the law and the law keepers of a country will not base their ethics on the Bible nor will they focus on the eternal consequences of the criminal from a biblical perspective. looking through the eyes of Christian conscience needs not only to see capital punishment but also other realities such as official war killings... how about war between the legal security forces of a country and terrorists?
ReplyDeleteIt will certainly seem very Christian to take a stand against capital punishment provided the stand covers all types of legalized life ending actions of human beings. such as mentioned above.
But the question must be answered when an earthly government that has no reliance on God's control asks for a substitute plan for making their world a better place in terms of annihilating crime. Not to forget that as long as God is kept out, annihilating crime will never happen, but very little would a Godless government or a Godless nation know that.
At some point some Christians do take an agreeing approach, some times it may vary based on how Christians feel about the intensity of the crime.
But standing against or standing for does not completely solve the matter that Christians are obligated to.
What is the serious issue we need to deal with? is it about telling some one else that their judgement is right or wrong? or is it dealing with what is more serious for the individual that has been condemned to death?
Some who who can work out the access needs to go before the execution and explain the ETERNAL consequences to the individual and give the person the opportunity to decide between hell and heaven before entering eternity. If a reader right now knows of a real situation and has the access, don't even bother to blog... just run and do the needful.
When Jesus said that you are guilty when you have contemplated sin in your mind he was also drawing the distinction between earthly court rooms and the heavenly court room. The earthly is based on outward actions but the heavenly on the inward character which is a far more serious matter, and not to be neglected.
Let Caesar have his way and give account to God when his time comes, but let us do our part with what is more important with regards to the person's eternity.
I'm sure the question is now loud "paul what is your idea about the act of capital punishment?" the answer is i do NOT LIKE people being killed for any reason. (PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE NOT INDICATED IF I AGREE OR NOT)
One personal comment to the author is that it seems that you were stirred up when it happened to a Filipino, and that by another country... if i were you i would be more focused on how this reality affects human beings in general globally. It is not bad to be moved deeply when it happens within one's own ethnicity but an article that reflects Christ's love and eternal plan should be aimed at humanity in general.
But Hats off to you for undertaking a controversial matter like this and going public so boldly, good work! and your conclusion is fair.
Thank you for doing so.
To answer your second question
ReplyDelete"What punishment can you give instead of death penalty? Why?"
If it was an offence against me where i do the deciding, i would choose to give forgiveness.
To answer your Question "Why"
Because i was forgiven at a time that no one would consider forgiving me.
Looking at this problem in an earthly perspective i would say it is a way of making the world alarmed of the earthly consequences of illegal acts. But although this (death penalty) has been taking place around the world crime hasn't yet happened to stop. It increases day by day.
ReplyDeleteBut from a heavenly perspective by this, is the world giving an individual an opportunity to correct him/her self? does the government take responsibility for that soul? does anyone care about it? most of the time what we look at is the outward act. if u were in that position wouldn't you expect another chance to correct yourself?
So my opinion is if the world can give them a chance to correct themselves rehabilitating them, they can be a part of changing the world. they can witness to many other people around the world and cause transformation.
Roshan Nepali
ReplyDeleteBrother i appreciate your hard work, I think most of the country do not exercise the capital punishment because of human right. the guilty/culprit can bear the consequences by putting them life prison there he can realize what he deed is wrong. if God happen to deal with us according to what we deed, can we survive? that is why He said forgive and love them.
death penalty issues have gained momentum in the past few
many of us could point out flaws in our country's justice system — many could cite reasons to pursue the implementation of capital punishment or nOt. both the pros and the cons are loud and expressive of their justifications
seems to me that the argument being raised is a bit inconclusive.
however, giving the assumption that those who are convicted are indeed guilty of committing the crime, hence I STRONGLY PROMOTE DEATH PENALTY. i believe that giving capital punishment has deterrent effects. if the act of punishing someone after stealing something or killing somebody becomes too high, people will change their behavior towards committing a crime. but i have a disclaimer, i only believe that this will be effective and will solidify the deterrent effect if there would be a due process and speeding up of execution.
ReplyDeleteAccording to me, capital punishment is useless or not the best decision to judge the person whatever crime the culprit must have committed because it's all in the past. Wat is important is to hear out the person's reason/s for committing his crime. Awarding life imprisonment can be helpful cos the Bible never encourage us to take other's life. Everyone who judges is to be gracious and merciful just as our Lord & Savior Jesus is gracious to us.
Wow, well, this has always been a tough issue. IF Hitler were the one to be executed, that would be justifiable, right? But then, don't we also believe in grace and mercy? Jesus' parable about the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18 always brings me back to the call to be merciful to others. I do have to concede, though, that in some cases the death penalty should be enforced.I believe there has to be a balance between justice and mercy, discipline and grace.
ReplyDeleteThe "lex taliones" establishes the perimeter of death penalty. at times grace can be exercised, but when life are at stake, the government has to take life so that other lives will be protected. when we allow criminals to live after several warnings and chances were given, then we expose innocent lives to meaningless death. for me God has armed the government the sword and the libra, not to govern by fear, but to redeem other's lives at risk because evil men live.
ReplyDeleteCapital Punishment I think is the best penalty to be given to those who are proven guilty of doing a certain crime.I believe that those who are in authority especially those who are in higher positions are competentand efficient enough (with the help of God) to execute or to implement their judgment upon that person. Provided, Law implementors should be fair and consistent on implementing this.
ReplyDeleteSo i agree with the "Implementation of Capital Punishment" in our country.But due process is duely given to all accused until the verdict will be revealed.And better if Spiritual Care and counselling will be given to them during the waiting period.
No one on this earth has the right or even the authority to eliminate someone's life the mother who gave birth to that person. Simply because nobody else gave life and breath to a person except our Almighty God; which makes Him the only authority to speak life or death to a person. Human nature always resort and tends to find justice through revenge but God said in His Word that we should overcome evil with good; just as He exemplified during His life here on earth and even before and after that.
ReplyDeleteGen. 9:6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.”
ReplyDeleteWhy? because Man is the image carrier of God. God views murder still the same as in the time of old.
Ex 20 still is true..."thou shalt not murder, still Gen 9:6 is the answer.
We still hope that our justice system is true and glorifies God. So that the person who really committed the crime will have time in court.
With strong Biblical evidences presented on both sides, I guess I'll just have to trust God's wisdom on this one. Though I hope people on the row must be given a chance to know our Lord Jesus Christ, or else those authorities who lay their hands on them are doing a far greater crime.