Tual Lian Mung (Tin Lin)
Myanmar has many ethnic groups and the civil between the
ethnic groups and government military has been going on since 1948 because the government
wants to take control over ethnic groups and made much damage to them. Myanmar
is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with key
non-Burman ethnic groups demanding equality with the Burmans in the three
public realms, specifically the protection of ethnic culture, language, and
religion freedom.[1]
“When government forces attacked Mansi township in the
northern Kachin state on October 22 last year (properly in 2013), soldiers
fired 60mm mortars at civilian homes for an hour before storming the village.
Many of the thatched wooden buildings were burned to the ground.”[2]
Although there have undoubtedly been positive changes in
Burma and the government has worked towards ceasefire agreements with
organisations such as the Karen National Union (KNU), New Mon State Party
(NMST), Chin National Front (CNF), and Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), conflicts
have recently escalated in Kachin, Arakan and Shan States. The move to
transform the bilateral ceasefire agreements into a nationwide ceasefire still
remains unfulfilled. Furthermore, the Burmese army reportedly still continues
to commit serious abuses against civilians as recently reported by local and
international organisations such as ND-Burma, Physicians for Human Rights, and
Human Rights Watch.[3]
Dictatorship like Burmese military regimes has become the
modern fascist of the 21st century. The people of Burma have been totally
controlled by the military junta with the ideology of totalitarianism. [4]
Since the government took control over the country, they changed education
system and economic system which brought poverty over millions of people. Education
became the place where government’s philosophies are taught without having any
quality. Large outlays of money have been spent on the military, while only
meager funds have gone to education and health issues. The numbers of children
who do not attend school or who have dropped out reportedly increased in the
1990s. According to World Bank estimates, only 46.9 percent of the secondary
school-age children were enrolled in schools during 1995.[5]
Buddhism is announced as as the country's official religion
and the right for other religions became limited and sometimes Christians are
persecuted in some areas where the media can’t reach.[6]
To respond to the government’s dictatorship, the ethnic groups have their own
militaries to fight against the government. Among those ethnic groups against the government, there are some
Christian groups who are also fighting against the government for their right.[7]
What does the Bible say?
There are many Bible verses which discuss about submitting
to human authority. According to the Bible, it seems that all governments in
any nation are appointed by God, particularly we can see it in Roman 13:1-2. It
is very important to have the right Biblical principles in order to respond to the human authority
according to God’s will. Many
Christian leaders in Myanmar seem to keep silent about political issues while
others are struggling for human right. I would like to know your ideas
and belief regarding Christian response to the abusive or corrupted government.
Biblical verses regarding Submission to human authority
Romans 13:1-2

1 Peter 2:13-14
Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution,
whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to
punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.
Matthew 22:21
They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore
render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are
Questions for Comments
Should we submit to every government, even to
those who are abusing people with their power?
What would you do if your people and family
members were continually abused in many ways by your government?
How Should Christians respond to dictatorial government?
What is your view on Christian being armed to
fight against the abusive government? (Should they or not, why)
[1] http://www.conflictmap.org/conflict/myanmar_rebels
[2] http://www.ucanews.com/news/kachin-war-of-independence-is-a-test-of-faith/70493
[3] http://www.burmalink.org/background/burma/dynamics-of-ethnic-conflict/overview/
[4] http://www.myanmartodaynews.com/2011/05/02/burmese-military-regimes-as-a-totalitarianism/
[5] http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/economies/Asia-and-the-Pacific/Burma-Myanmar-POVERTY-AND-WEALTH.html#ixzz39gqa2deK
[6] http://beginningandend.com/burma-passes-law-requiring-permit-read-bible/
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_conflict_in_Burma#cite_note-16
Should we submit to every government, even to those who are abusing people with their power?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Bible, we should submit to government but it doesn't mean we agree everything with what government is doing. If possible I support to not fight against the government by force. I will not judge the ethnic groups who are fighting with Myanmar government. They might have their reasons which I do not know. Mini
I agree with the above comment, we should submit to all government's authority just because they are appointed leaders, but we don't have to agree what they are doing and to do things that is against God's Law. Submit is not obey whatever they say but show respect and concern to them. but as Christian, we should do the right things to influence the society and believe God will take care of them/
ReplyDeleteI like your writing but i want to tell you christian should untie for their rights, it does not mean that always sacrifice for your desires. yes submit your government but your king is Jesus. you should be good to take care of your family. your should save your family, you should protect your family. in Iraq what is happening even in all the Muslim country what they are treating with Christian. so please encourage Christian stand for your right. i hope i can write for it.
ReplyDeleteI just want to express my views in this issues..In biblical perspective, we christian need to understand and accept our bad government coz they are assigned from God . God has purpose to assign such cruel government using their power on people. cos now a day, people do not know God, people substitute their idolatry in place of worshiping God alone.. So, God might use cruel government for people to be repented and turn back from their sins.. So, according to question..why ethnic people are oppressed by government ? why we have conflict between tribes , government and tribes in Myanmar now? really need to go back to biblical views and need to be more sensitive knowing God's purposes..As christian, we really need to tell the truth from the Bible and urge people to see their sins , know the real God.. In human right perspective, of course, it is not fair ..we can see how our government treats people badly.. so as a christian, we need to stand brave enough for helping hopeless people to grow their lives...let me ask u questions..i hardly see Christians leaders in Myanmar working with leaders or people from government organization..something was wrong..!! Christian organizations are still weak in influencing people from society..I trust one thing..the more we use God's love, forgiveness, acceptance, wisdom and strategies , the more we can see changes in the lives of people.but need to tell the truth in love ..so..we christian need to develop some strategies to deal with this issues..still praying..( Just my view)
ReplyDeletefor me..I will stand for hopeless people..and fight for the truth . Definitely i will suffer like others the affects of unfair leadership. .coz no choice ..i am also one of the citizenship of Myanmar under such government..but i will not practice or follow sinful things which they do..
ReplyDeleteWe should submit to government but we need to live according to Christian Ethics...it means we have to stand and tell the truth in biblical ways. We need to tell the truth in love if the government's ways are against the Bible. Many Christian leaders in Myanmar seem to keep silent about political issues...But we should not keep silent everything because if we don't tell anything, the country will be worse. So, we should tell according to Christian Ethics, but not violence...
ReplyDeleteOn #4 I don't believe Christians should never fight back using firearms. Jesus already aid that Christians will face persecution becuase of His Name. However He didn't say anything about fighting the authorities using violence.When persecution of the early Christian happened in Jerusalem happened some disciples stayed while others fled but we don't read of any believers fighting against Saul using armed means. Some believers however were imprisoned and mostlikely beaten before God called Saul and changed him. We can pray for wisdom and encouragement to all our persecuted brothers and sisters.May they discern God's will of staying or fleeing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing about this topic bro. I really believe that God has teach us to obey the government. However, for the people who are living in the difficult countries are different issue. I bet the Lord can tell how would you respond to the goverment who is a bad government. I would say that pls continue to pray for the justice goverment in your place. Jesus is the king of kings who reign overall nations. As a believer we need to really pray and ask God's wisdom how to respond to a bad governent in our nations today.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we are called to submit to our governing authorities regardless of how cruel and abusive they are. I believe it is part of our calling to be salt and light in this world. We should still pay taxes to our government and support its projects of developing welfare of its citizens. Christians should also set as an example of good employees of the government by setting as an example in their ways and responsibilities. Many Christians worked in the government but they don't live out their identity in their place of work. We must expose the work of darkness and do not tolerate them but also setting ourselves as an example in our life. We should also pray for the government - that true righteousness and justice will prevail and rule in the hearts of the leaders. God is much at work in the lives of people and He works in ways that we cannot imagine. Hope in God. Our country has been through a dictatorial form of government before, but learning from that lesson, it turned out for the good of this country and the people are becoming more aware and more watchful about the leader. God bless your country, God is at work. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteit is very difficult so submit and obey to the government when you yourself and your loved ones experienced abuses and horrible acts by the military government. it is easier to choose to hate them and rebel. But, as Christians, I don't think to fight is the best response. difficult as it is, Christians should still submit to the government regardless. this must be easier said than done but it is the truth that we needed to embrace.
ReplyDeleteWe should not fight back, we are to show the Christian spirit of showing Christ in our lives. If we cannot tolerate our government we should move to another country .
ReplyDeletePaul wrote “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established” (13:1).
ReplyDeleteThe context here is even though government authority are chosen and formed by God and this is good by itself, it can be evil sometimes. But Christians should not fight the government and repay evil for evil but are to behavior with a good behavior. To submit to someone doesn’t necessary mean that we need to obey them if they are wrong. If someone is sinning then we can disobey them but this doesn’t give us the right to fight against them. So a Christian should be willing to obey the government they are under but then if the government sins then they can have the right to disobey the government (Acts 5:29). We don’t fight with our government because we do not confirm to this world but try to change it.
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ReplyDeleteIt's hard issue to say! However, I do agree with the view that Christians should submit to the government, but at the same time, we should resist for corruption happening around the country and pray for uprising righteous government. Personally, I don't agree violent reaction to government because many innocent people are damaged and affected. As Christians, what we can do is that we can pray for our government, and teach our people to respond government in non-violence and peaceful way. This might take long time, but less damage and the result will last long positively.
ReplyDeleteWhen we lend into some practical issues, its pretty hard for us to solve some crisis. However, we must realized that every decision that we take should come out from the Bible. Therefore, we must address issue like that, but not with the intention to harm people with equipment. Rather, with love, and care so that we can pierce into the hearts of people so that they may think twice before committing any criminal acts. Thanks :)
ReplyDelete1. Should we submit to every government, even to those who are abusing people with their power?
ReplyDeleteWe should submit to just laws. If a law is unjust, then we must not submit to it. The government is simply a means of implementing those laws. Now, if government leaders are corrupt, let's do our best to expose them.
There is such a thing called Biblical Civil Disobedience. The Apostles themselves practiced it. They did not submit to every command by the government.
2. What would you do if your people and family members were continually abused in many ways by your government?
Pray. Be patient. Find a way to have justice, if you can. But if you can forgive and look for a means to have a peaceful life, then may the Lord guide you.
3. How Should Christians respond to dictatorial government?
If a dictatorial government is not helpful, start making movements to oppose it. But, please, use peace, truth, and love as your primary weapon.
4. What is your view on Christian being armed to fight against the abusive government? (Should they or not, why)
They can protect themselves :-)
They must know the laws of their country so that they know whether or not they are acting legally.