It is for this reason that some
individuals, who felt that they are trapped for most of their lives, wanted to
show to the world who they are and what they wanted to be and to do. To mention
a few, the inevitable rise of homosexuals, for example, is increasing in
quantity due to influences via media, internet, magazines, etc. Christians and
non-Christians face this issue almost every day and their actions are noticed
by many.
Homesexuality. What is this? In
an article on what is homosexuality,
it means “that men are sexually and emotionally attracted to men, and
women are sexually and emotionally attracted to women [3].” To put it simply, it connotes same-sex
does the Scripture say regarding homosexuality? Did Jesus also deal with
individuals who are homosexuals? Did God really hate people who are practicing
it? The word of God is never silent nor
did God approve those individuals who are practicing homosexuality. There is
one levitical prohibition concerning same sex relationship and it is found in
Leviticus 18: 22. The law says “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman;
that is detestable (NIV).” In the New Testament, Jesus didn’t explicitly deal
on the issue of homosexuality. Yet, Jesus dealt with the case of the woman who
was caught in adultery. During that time, adultery is a major offense and the
person who was caught in the act is to be stoned to death by people in public.
John 8 seriously touches on how Jesus responded to the situation. He responded
by saying, “I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on sin no more (John
8:11, NASB).” Jesus did come to save the sinners. The woman needed to repent
and sin no more. Jesus was serious with it for everyone knew that “a man...be
united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, NIV).” God
created Adam for Eve and that the two can only be together within the bond of
marriage. Any relationship that is not in the arena of marriage is obviously
not pleasing to God.

Questions to ponder:
- Is it a sin to be sexually related with the same sex?
- How would you respond to the situation if your son says that he is homosexual?
- What should be the proper and reasonable response of Christians to specific individuals who confess that they are struggling with the same sex?
- Are there limits to human rights? Are human rights absolute as long as it did not cause harm on others?
[2] Bradbury, Georgina. Lady Gaga Biography. www.imdb.com. http://www.imdb.com/name/
[2] Bradbury, Georgina. Lady Gaga Biography. www.imdb.com. http://www.imdb.com/name/
[3]What is Homosexuality. www.exodusglobalalliance.org http://www.exodusglobalalliance.org/
[3]What is Homosexuality. www.exodusglobalalliance.org http://www.exodusglobalalliance.org/
[4] Gay Marriage Around the World. www.pewforum.org. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/12/19/ gay- marriage-around-the-world-2013/.
[4] Gay Marriage Around the World. www.pewforum.org. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/12/19/ gay- marriage-around-the-world-2013/.
Aldwin Villagracia [137], TS660B - Asian Cultures and Ethics, IGSL
for me, being attracted to same sex is NOT a sin. but having sexual relationship with same sex is absolutely a SIN!
ReplyDeleteGod has a perfect design for sex in marriage and it is between a man and a woman. However, Satan has been trying his very best to distort that perfect plan in many ways and homosexuality is just one of his successful tactics. Satan focuses on what is pleasurable and always insists on rights and freedom. But we always need to go back to what God has to sayon these. God wants the union of a man and a woman, adam and eve, not adam and steve.
ReplyDeleteHomosexual desires are unnatural because God says so. Honosexuality is a result of the sin that we all share at the fall of man. But it is not homosexual act alone. The Bible clearly classifies ALL sex acts outside marriage as sinful.
ReplyDeleteMost homosexuals find that they have a very hard time accepting their attraction to the same sex. It's not something they looked for -- it is often something that grows out of hurts in childhood, often the absence of the father. So, I think that feeling attracted to someone of the same sex is not wrong in itself. However, God makes it very clear that a homosexual act IS wrong. Therefore same-sex marriage will NEVER be morally acceptable. By the grace of God, a Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction can remain sexually pure and live a life honoring to God.
ReplyDeleteIt is a sin to be sexually related with the same sex, because the Bible says clear about this issue. So we have no doubt it.
ReplyDeleteHow do I respond to the situation if my son says that he is homosexual? It is not easy. I would ask myself and ask him as well that what is the issue for him to become a homosexual. When I know the reasons, I hope I would respond properly to him. Mini
for question 3, i would approach them with love and compassion becasue we would never imagine how confuse they are and their need to talk with REAL people who will not only understand their predicament, discover their struggle and be willing to be a friend.
ReplyDeleteThe LGBT community today, which includes the homosexuals, have become very influential as countries has been listening to their cries for equality and freedom. As Christians, we can see this as a threat to us and our families or we can see these as opportunities for imparting the truth of Jesus in a loving manner.
ReplyDeleteQuestion number 3 asks about the human rights. This is the very idea that needs to be communicated to them that freedom is not absolute. There are still boundaries that God has set for our own good and also to make us realize that we are not gods. One of these boundary is in the area of morality. Morality is objective not subjective. It does not mean that if a person feels happy about his feelings then it is right. Someone has said that "it may feel right to love your neighbor in your country but it also feels right to eat their neighbors in their own country". Feelings does not determine what is right, it is God who determines what is right through the Bible.
As much as we can impart to them such deep knowledge from our Theologies and Exegesis, I still believe that the best way to help our LGBT brothers and sisters is to care for them. As a man I struggle also with many things in life and everyday I have to die to myself in order for me to truly follow Christ. Some of these struggles may take me a lifetime to overcome but I continue to die to selfish desires because it is through dying that I experience true joy and happiness. I believe this is the same for them, they struggle with their feelings and attraction. They think that if they allow themselves to experience their struggles they would feel true happiness and joy. However this is not true and we know it. True joy and happiness comes from knowing Jesus Christ and growing in relationship with him. This truth should be our motivation in genuinely caring for the LGBT community. We are not to judge them but to show them a happier, more meaningful and joyful way that is through Jesus Christ where true freedom can be found.
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ReplyDeleteHere are my answers to your questions:
ReplyDelete1. Yes. It is sin to be sexually related with the same gender. It is also sin for them to be romantically related to each other. The Scripture is very clear about this.
2. Try to find out what he really means. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance to deal with the situation.
3. For me, I met two persons who confessed they are struggling with the attraction of the same gender. I simply said that let them be continually faithful to God, asking His Holy Spirit to deliver them from their bondage, and be patient enough with themselves.
4. The purpose of human rights is to protect humans. If some rights would not protect the life of a human, then it does not serve the purpose of human rights. It should not be considered as a right at all.
Regarding people who are struggling with homosexuality, I think human rights are enough to cover them. May the Law of the Spirit of God transform them right now. Amen :)
According to Pope Francis (July 29, 2013) If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, Who am I to judge them.
ReplyDeleteChristians should share the Gospel to individuals who confess that they are struggling with homosexuality. Because, It is only God who can change the heart of a person through the Gospel. In addition, the only time a person is made aware about his new identity is after receiving Christ. Since homosexuality is a problem of identity the Christian can help establish God's image in the struggling person by exposing him to the truth about Scriptures. However, we need to do this in a loving and gentle way keeping in mind that our objective is not to condemn but to win the person to Christ.
ReplyDeleteI will say it is sin because God's purpose in Genesis is so obvious that He created woman for man. Therefore, Christians should share clearly God's purpose of creating gender and sex, which is to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth (Gen.1:27-28). We should encourage people who are struggling with the same sex to come back to the original purpose of God, and tell them that they can be rescued from that bondage through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteLet us first try to understand what really a homosexual is. As I could remember in our Psychology class that a person will be considered as homosexual if he/she involves himself/herself into sexual relationship with the person of the same sex. Thus, having involved in such activity is a SIN. However, being attracted to a person of the same sex is normal if and only if the attraction is defined only as to appreciation of characters and the like, but it will become a sin if the the attraction could lead to lust. We Christians are entitled to have a wider understanding for everyone around us but NOT to the extent that we tolerate such deviant behavior. Lady Gaga encourages the listeners of her song to believe that God is responsible of who we are right now, but is a BIG DECEPTION OF ALL. Man is made out of God's likeness who is perfect and without blemish. There are men out there who are effeminate but yet a straight. For this kind of people, let us not judge them as "gay" just because of effeminate gestures, but rather encourage them to be manly so as to avoid inculcating in their minds that they are "gay". Let us ask the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to redeem His people from the bondage of homosexuality.
ReplyDeleteIn response to # 4. I think human rights come second to God's will and design. I believe it's not a lost of human rights when you submit yourself to God ;we are just doing what you are designed to do. If some people are saying they were created by God with a mind and emotions of the opposite sex I don't think that's valid argument because the same God who they said created them "that way" also said we should not engage in homosexual relationships.